Mom’s Healthy Potato Salad
Overall | ★★★★★ |
Difficulty | ★☆☆☆☆ |
Speed | ★★★☆☆ |
Cost | ★★☆☆☆ |
Can be made in big batches | ★★★★☆ |
There are a lot of children in Japan who love potato salad, but as a child I did not like things like this. So, my mother started making for me this potato salad with a different flavor; it is very easy to eat, and is a dish that now my daughter loves as well. You can also make extra, and use it in a bento for lunch the next day. Or, instead of a bento box, you can also put it on toast for breakfast, or eat it as part of a sandwich (although to be honest this does result in a lot of carbs). You can also add ham if you like, and it can be served either hot or cold.
・Steam the potatoes and carrots in a large steamer. It will give you one less pot to clean and is more efficient.
・Since it takes longer for the carrots to soften than the potatoes, you can take the potatoes out first when they are ready for mashing.
・Mash the potatoes when they are still hot.
・If you want to eat it cold, allow for some extra time after making it so you can cool it in the refrigerator.
《Ingredients – 5~8 Servings 》
・3 Potatoes
・1 loose carrot
・1 seedless cucumber (English cucumber)
・3 Tbsp~ Japanese mayonnaise
・1 Tbsp rice vinegar
・1 Tbsp olive oil
・1 tsp cane sugar
1. Peel the potatoes and cut in half. Peel the carrots and cut into quarters.
2. Cut the cucumber into thin slices, then sprinkle on some salt and place on a paper towel.
3. Place the potatoes and carrots into a steamer, and steam for 10-18 minutes until they become soft.
4. Mash the potatoes while they are still hot, and cut the carrot into small pieces. Lightly squeeze some of the water out of the cucumbers, then add the carrots and cucumbers to the mashed potatoes.
5. Mix in the mayonnaise, rice vinegar, olive oil, and sugar, and serve!
《材料 ー 大人4~5人分》
・じゃがいも 3個
・人参 1本
・きゅうり 1本
・マヨネーズ 大3~
・酢 大1
・オリーブ油 大1
・きび砂糖 小1
1. じゃがいもの皮をむき、二等分にする。人参も皮をむいて4等分にする。きゅうりは薄切りの輪切りにし、塩をふってキッチンペーパー等の上に置いておく。
2. 蒸し器にじゃがいも、人参をいれ、10~18分、柔らかくなるまで蒸す。
3. じゃがいもは温かいうちにマッシャーでつぶし、人参は小さめ切り、きゅうりは軽く絞って水気を切ったものをマッシュしたじゃがいもに加える。
4. マヨネーズ、オリーブ油、米酢、砂糖を加えてまぜて、完成。
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