Japanese Meat and Potatos- Nikujaga
Overall | ★★★★★ |
Difficulty | ★★☆☆☆ |
Speed | ★★★☆☆ |
Cost | ★★☆☆☆ |
Can be made in big batches | ★★★★☆ |
Nikujaga is one of the most popular Japanese dishes in Japan. I think a lot of people are reminded of their mom when they eat this. My mom also used to cook it for me a lot, and I cook this the same way as my mom. In a sense, it might be a traditional house dish. Depending on the house, there can be carrots, green beans and lotus root in it. But, my house recipe is very simple, only 3 ingredients. Simple is the best!! I don’t use any liquid, so the taste is very thick. Just cut and stew!
・If you can find shabu-shabu style beef (very thin cut), please use ground beef.
・Use a cast-iron pot. Good examples are Staub (8 1/2″) or Le Creuset.
・I recommend using coconut sugar or brown sugar.
・Usukuchi – Light soy sauce.
・Our house recipe uses more onions than potatoes.
《Ingredients - Servings: 5》
・1 pound of thinly sliced beef or ground beef
・2~3 sweet onions or yellow onions
・2~3 russet potatoes
・2 tablespoons of coconut sugar or brown sugar
・A little less than 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce
《材料 - 大人5人分》
・牛肉 約450g
・玉ねぎ 大2~3個
・ジャガイモ 2~3個
・砂糖 大2
・薄口しょうゆ 弱大2
- Pour the olive oil into an 8 1/2″ cast-iron pot, heat over a medium flame.
- Cut the onions into 3/4″ wedges, then cook in the oil once it has heated in the pot.
- Put in the meat and brown. Cut the potatoes into wedges, and put them in as well
- Once the outsides of the potatoes become transparent, add the sugar and soy sauce.
- Cover and heat on low 15-20 minutes, until it has softened to you liking.
1. キャストアイロンの鍋(22cm or 8 1/2″) にオリーブオイルをいれて、中火であたためる。
2. あたたまったら、1.5cmほどにくし切りした玉ねぎをいれて、油が回るまでいためる。
3. 牛肉をいれて、いためる。色がだいたい変わってきたら、乱切りにしたじゃがいもをいれる。
4. じゃがいもの周りが透明になってきたら、調味料(砂糖大2、薄口しょうゆ 大2弱)をいれてまぜる。
5. 弱火にして、蓋をして、好みの柔らかさになるまで煮込んで完成。(時間はたぶん15~20分程度)
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