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Japanese Meat and Potatos- Nikujaga

Can be made in big batches★★★★☆

Nikujaga is one of the most popular Japanese dishes in Japan. I think a lot of people are reminded of their mom when they eat this. My mom also used to cook it for me a lot, and I cook this the same way as my mom. In a sense, it might be a traditional house dish. Depending on the house, there can be carrots, green beans and lotus root in it. But, my house recipe is very simple, only 3 ingredients. Simple is the best!! I don’t use any liquid, so the taste is very thick. Just cut and stew!


・If you can find shabu-shabu style beef (very thin cut), please use ground beef.
・Use a cast-iron pot. Good examples are Staub (8 1/2″) or Le Creuset.
・I recommend using coconut sugar or brown sugar.
・Usukuchi – Light soy sauce.
・Our house recipe uses more onions than potatoes.



《Ingredients - Servings: 5》
・1 pound of thinly sliced beef or ground beef
・2~3 sweet onions or yellow onions
・2~3 russet potatoes
・2 tablespoons of coconut sugar or brown sugar
・A little less than 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce

《材料 - 大人5人分》
・牛肉 約450g
・玉ねぎ 大2~3個
・ジャガイモ 2~3個
・砂糖 大2
・薄口しょうゆ 弱大2


  1. Pour the olive oil into an 8 1/2″ cast-iron pot, heat over a medium flame.
  2. Cut the onions into 3/4″ wedges, then cook in the oil once it has heated in the pot.
  3. Put in the meat and brown. Cut the potatoes into wedges, and put them in as well
  4. Once the outsides of the potatoes become transparent, add the sugar and soy sauce.
  5. Cover and heat on low 15-20 minutes, until it has softened to you liking.

1. キャストアイロンの鍋(22cm or 8 1/2″) にオリーブオイルをいれて、中火であたためる。
2. あたたまったら、1.5cmほどにくし切りした玉ねぎをいれて、油が回るまでいためる。
3. 牛肉をいれて、いためる。色がだいたい変わってきたら、乱切りにしたじゃがいもをいれる。
4. じゃがいもの周りが透明になってきたら、調味料(砂糖大2、薄口しょうゆ 大2弱)をいれてまぜる。
5. 弱火にして、蓋をして、好みの柔らかさになるまで煮込んで完成。(時間はたぶん15~20分程度)

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