Desserts,  Recipes

The Most Amazing Fluffy Chocolate Cake

Can be made in big batches★★☆☆☆

A chocolate cake I made for my chocolate-loving husband. The recipe is decidedly Japanese. Since American cake recipes have a sponge cake that feels more like bread, but since this is a birthday cake, which should be soft and fluffy, I decided to go with this recipe. However, since the outside is decorated with cocoa powder, you need to be careful when blowing out the candles, less you create a cloud of cocoa!


・When you sift the flour, do not over mix.
・Wait until the cake is completely cooled before cutting in half.


(レシピ)Original recipe here (credit: Mareko)

・4 egg-whites (Large)
・120g granulated sugar
・4 egg yolks
・80g cake flour or all-purpose flour + 1 Tbsp cornstarch
・50cc milk
・30g unsalted butter
・20g unsweetened cocoa powder 

《Chocolate cream》
・200cc Heavy cream
・200g semi sweet baking chocolate
・1 Tbsp rum (optional)

《Decoration – optional》
・Unsweetened cocoa powder 

《Instructions – Cake》
1. Preheat the oven to 338F (170c) . Prepare a 7-inch cake pan by spraying with baking spray or buttering and lightly flouring or place a sheet of parchment paper on the bottom and side of the cake pan.
2. Use an electric mixer with the whisk attachment (or a hand mixer), beat the egg whites on medium speed until frothy, then gradually add the granulated sugar and beat until glossy and stiff peaks form.
3. Add the egg yolks, one at a time and mix well.
4. Sift 1/2 of the measured flour over the egg mixture. Fold it in gently but rapidly with a rubber spatula until the flour has disappeared. Add the rest of flour and do the same thing. (Do not overmix)
5. Put the butter and milk in a saucepan and heat-up until they are warm. When they are warm, add the cocoa by sifting it over the mixture with a sieve. Be sure to continue mixing until the cocoa is completely melted.
6. Pour warmed cocoa into the bowl. Mixing fast with the rubber spatula quickly.
7. Pour batter into the cake pan. Pour in from a little high in about 4-5 drops to prevent air bubbles. The surface of the batter in the pan should be even.
8.  Bake for 30~40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
9. Remove from the oven and drop out of the pan from about 20-30 cm high in one motion. Cool completely on a wire rack.

《Instructions – Chocolate cream》
1. Heat the cream in a small saucepan over low heat until it begins to gently simmer and remove from the heat. Add the chopped chocolate, then let it sit for 2-3 minutes to gently soften the chocolate. Stirring well and pour rum if you want.
2. Place the sauce pan into a tray filled with ice water then aerate with a whisk until it has cooled enough to be spread on the cake easily.

《Instructions – Decoration》
1. Cut the cake in half. Place one cake layer on a plate and spread about 1/3 of the chocolate cream over the cake. Put the top cake on it and spread the rest of chocolate cream on the top and the side of the 2 layers cake.
2. After Chocolate cream has hardened, sprinkle the cocoa powder over the cake with a sieve. Done!

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