Bread,  Original,  Recipes

Swedish Fluffy Cinnamon Raisin Buns

Can be made in big batches★★★★☆

In Japan there was a very popular movie called “Kamome Shokudo” that came out in 2006. Even twenty years later, the movie is still popular in Japan. Because of the movie, there was a sudden rise in the popularity of cinnamon rolls as well. When I think of cinnamon rolls, I am always reminded of Cinnabon, but these taste completely different. In northern Europe cinnamon rolls are made with cardamom, which gives it an aftertaste with a bit of a kick (but not too spicy), giving it a unique and refreshing taste. The dough is made with fresh cream, giving the bread a fluffy texture..


・After mixing everything together except for the butter and raisins, let the dough sit for around 30 minutes, and the dough will make better tasting bread (it allows the gluten to form easier).
・You can omit ground cardamom if you don’t like it or have it.
・In summertime, use 10~20% less low-fat milk.
・You can omit raisins. If you put them in, put dried raisins in boiling water and simply towel dry on paper towels. (if you are using home made rum raisins, simply towel dry on paper towels)



《Ingredients – bread Serves: 8》
・200g bread flour
・100g cake flour or all-purpose flour
・18g coconut sugar or brown sugar
・6g salt
・50g heavy cream
・180g low-fat milk
・2~3g dry yeast
・1/2 tsp ground cardamom
・18~25g unsalted butter

《Ingredients – filing》
・20g melted unsalted butter
・35g sugar
・ground cinnamon

1. Place all ingredients except for butter and raisins in a bread kneading machine and mix lightly, and once all of the powder has disappeared, let it rest for 30 minutes without drying.
2. Knead for 15-20 minutes until the gluten forms (adjust the time as needed).
3. Once the gluten has formed, add unsalted butter and knead well (usually for about 8 minutes). Then add the raisins and let it rise until doubled in size.
4. Once the dough has risen to double in size, powder a surface with flour, and stretch the dough into a rectangle about 30cm x 25cm.
5. Coat the dough in the melted butter, starting around 2cm from the edge, then sprinkle on the mixed cinnamon sugar.
6. Roll tightly, then cut the dough from the center with a dough scraper. Four pieces to the left, four pieces to the right for a total of 8.
7. Take the 8 sections of dough and place in a muffin pan sprayed with oil. Allow the dough to rise a second time. You can also place them in aluminum cups if you have them.
8. When the dough has doubled in size, preheat the oven to 190 degrees Celsius. If you like, you can beat an egg and brush it over the top of the dough, then bake at 190 degrees C for 15-20 minutes.

《材料 ー パン生地 8個分》
・強力粉 200g
・薄力粉 100g
・砂糖 18g (ココナッツシュガーか黒糖がおすすめ)
・塩 6g
・生クリーム 50g
・低脂肪乳 180g(人肌温度)
・ドライイースト 2~3g
・カルダモンパウダー 小1/2
・無塩バター 20g
・レーズン 100g

《材料 ー フィリング》
・無塩バター 20g(溶かしておく)
・砂糖 35g
・シナモンパウダー 適量

1. バターとレーズン以外をコネ機にいれ、軽く混ぜ、粉気がなくなったら、乾燥しない状態で30分休ませる。
2. グルテンができるまで、15~20分ほど、こねる。(時間は調整してください)
3. グルテンが形成されたら、無塩バターをいれ、よくこねる。(我が家は8分程度)その後、レーズンを入れ、生地と混ざったら、一次発酵。
4. 生地が二倍になったら、粉を振った台の上で、30x25cmぐらいの長方形に伸ばす。
5. 溶かしたバターを端から2㎝ほど除いて塗って、砂糖とシナモンパウダーをあわせたものを、ちらす。
6. 手前からきつめに巻いていき、真ん中からスケッパーで生地を切っていく。左半分:4個、右半分:4個、合計8個できる。
7. 8等分した生地をオイルスプレーしたマフィン型にいれて二次発酵。もしくはアルミカップにいれてもよし。
8. 生地が二倍になったら、オーブンを190度に余熱開始。好みで、溶き卵(分量外)を刷毛でパンの上から塗って、190度で15~20分焼いて完成。

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