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Vietnamese-Style Shrimp Noodle Bowls

Can be made in big batches★★★★☆

When you start to see signs saying “Chilled Chinese noodles now available” while walking around town in Japan, it makes you think, “Ah, summer has arrived.” However, you won’t hear this in America, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to eat it when it starts getting hot. So, I’ve no choice but to make it myself! We’ve tried a number of summer recipes, but this was a particular favorite in our house. This is a combination of a Southern living original recipe with Mrs. New York’s dining table dressing. Also, you can make this with angel hair pasta. When boiling the pasta, adding a little bit of baking soda will make the noodles chewy, making it close to the Chinese noodles we eat in Japan.  Since it feels kind of like eating a salad, give this a try on a hot day when you don’t have much of an appetite.


・If you want the noodles to be chewier, add some baking soda when boiling the pasta.
・Make the dish with whatever vegetables you like.
・You can substitute rice vermicelli noodles for the noodles.
・If you add carrots, cut them as thin as possible (or shred in a food processor), add some salt, and eat raw.



(レシピ)Original recipe here (credit: Mrs. New York’s dining table and Southern Living)

《Ingredients ― noodle dressing》
・1 Tbsp coconut sugar or brown sugar  
・2 Tbsp  maple syrup
・3 Tbsp  soy sauce
・2 tsp fish sauce  
・2 juiced limes
・1/2 juiced lemon
・1/2 tsp powdered chicken or kaibashira
・4 Tbsp water
・Just under 4 Tbsp canola oil or vegetable oil
・Just under 2 Tbsp Sesame oil

《Instructions ー Serves: 4》
1. Shake the shrimp in some salt and sake, then saute in garlic and olive oil.
2. Put water and baking soda in a pot and bring to a boil, then add the pasta. Once the pasta is ready, lightly rinse in some cold water.
3. Peel the carrots, cut the cucumber into thin strips, or shred in a food processor, and lightly sprinkle on some salt. Lightly squeeze out some of the water before putting on the dish.
4. Wash the cherry tomatoes and cut in half.
5. Mash the avocado, then mix with half of a juiced lemon and salt.
6. Take all of the ingredients for the dressing and mix it all together.
7. Put the noodles on a plate, and add the vegetable toppings. Finally, top with the dressing and serve!

《材料 ー 大人4人分》
・エンジェルヘアパスタ 400g
・重曹 小2
・プチトマト 1パック(好みの量)
・アボカド 1個
・きゅうり 1本
・えび 24尾
・人参 一本
・ニンニク 適量
・レモン汁 1/2個分
・白ごま 適量

《材料 ー ドレッシング》
・ココナッツシュガー or 黒砂糖 大2
・メイプルシロップ 大2
・しょうゆ 大3
・ナンプラー 小2弱
・ライム 2個
・レモン 1/2個
・鶏がらスープの素 or 粉末貝柱 小1/2
・水 大4
・キャノーラ油 大4弱
・ゴマ油 大2弱

1. えびに塩とお酒(分量外)を振り、ニンニクとオリーブ油でいためる。
2. 鍋に重曹と水をいれて沸騰させ、パスタをゆでる。茹で上がったら、冷水で軽く洗って水けをきる。
3. 皮をむいた人参、きゅうりを細い千切り、もしくはフードプロセッサーでシュレッドにして、塩(分量外)を軽くふる。盛り付ける前に軽く絞る。
4. 洗ったプチトマトを半分に切る。
5. アボカドはマッシュし、レモン汁(1/2個分)と塩(好み量)と混ぜ合わせる。
6. ドレッシングの材料をすべてよく混ぜ合わせる。
7. お皿に麺をいれ、野菜類をトッピング。上からドレッシングをかけて完成!

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