Korean Barbecue-Style Meatballs
Overall | ★★★★★ |
Difficulty | ★☆☆☆☆ |
Speed | ★★★★☆ |
Cost | ★★★☆☆ |
Can be made in big batches | ★★★★☆ |
When it comes to Korean BBQ, I wanted to use Gochujang, a red chili paste, I wouldn’t be able to give it to my daughter, but I was surprised when I saw the ingredients. The recipe didn’t have any Gochujang, it used crackers instead. I usually avoid using chips or crackers, so I almost skipped over this, but it looked delicious so I gave it a shot. It was a big hit in our house. Also, since it is baked in the oven it does not require too much work. Since it is both quick and delicious, it is very mom-friendly! You can also make a lot and freeze it, so it can be worthwhile to make it ahead of time and have it for when you need it. Although it is unclear if you can really call it Korean BBQ.
・Crumble the crackers into pieces as small as possible.
・You can use a lot of the finely chopped scallions without issue.
・Just like with hamburgers, when you knead the ground beef well, it will make the meatballs look better.
・If you are using a lean beef, lightly coat the meatballs in olive oil before grilling (in America, use 85-90% lean ground beef).
(レシピ)Original recipe here or here (credit: NYT Cooking)
《材料 ー 大人3人分》
・牛ひき肉 450g
・リッツクラッカー 12枚(細かく砕いたもの)
・ねぎ 適量
・醤油 大2
・ガーリック 大2(みじん切り)
・塩 小1
・ブラックペッパー 小1(好みで)
1. オーブンを218度に余熱開始。
2. すべての材料をボウルにいれて、よくこねて、5㎝ぐらいのボール型に成形。
3. オーブンの鉄板にクッキングシートをしいて、ミートボールを並べ、15分~20分、火が通りまで焼いて完成。(牛ひき肉に油分が少なそうであれば、焼く前に軽くオリーブ油でミートボールをコーティングして焼く。)
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