Original,  Recipes,  Side

Honey Mustard Broccoli and Tuna Salad

Can be made in big batches★★★☆☆

My daughter does not like green vegetables, but will eat broccoli in this salad made with tuna. I like my broccoli firm, but my daughter will eat it if it is made a little bit softer. My strategy is to make the broccoli a firmer bit by bit over time. Combining the mustard and honey gives it a really elegant flavor. Adding the tuna and white sesame seeds also add some protein. Please try making it as a side dish.


・Boil the broccoli to your liking.
・For a healthier option, make it with tuna canned in water instead of oil.



・1 large head of broccoli, cut into small florets
・5oz albacore tuna in water
・2 Tbsp mayonnaise
・1~2 tsp whole grain dijon mustard
・1/2~1 tsp honey
・1/4 ~1/2 tsp soy sauce

《Instructions – Serving 5》
1. Cut the broccoli into bite-size pieces.
2. Boil some water with salt, then add the broccoli and cook until it is soft to your liking. (around 2-5 minutes)
3. Once boiled, take it off the heat and let it cool.
4. Once it has cooled, put mayonnaise, mustard, honey, and soy sauce in a bowl and mix well. Then, add the broccoli and stir until well mixed.
5. Add white sesame seeds to taste.

《材料 ー 大人5人分》
・ブロッコリー 1個
・ツナ水煮缶 1缶
・マヨネーズ 大2
・粒マスタード 小1~2
・はちみつ 小1/2~1
・濃口醬油 小1/4


1. ブロッコリーを一口大に切る。
2. 塩を入れた水を沸騰させ、ブロッコリーをいれて好みの硬さになるまでゆでる。(2~5分)
3. 茹で上がったら、ザルにとって粗熱をとる。
4. 粗熱が取れたら、ボウルにマヨネーズ、粒マスタード、はちみつ、しょうゆをいれてよく混ぜ、そこにブロッコリーとツナをいれて混ぜ合わせる。
5. 好みで白いりごまも一緒に混ぜ合わせて完成。

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