Bread,  Original,  Recipes

Fluffy and Moist Japanese Milk Loaf Bread

Can be made in big batches★★★☆☆

Our family usually starts our day with this bread. My daughter usually tops her toast with butter or cheese, and sometimes sweet-bean and butter toast. My husband has an American-esque toast topped with PB&J. Since you can cut the bread to any thickness you please, you can also use this for sandwiches. It has fresh cream in it, so the bread will be soft – even the next day – so give it a try. I don’t like putting in too much dry yeast, so it takes some time to cook until it is done. If you don’t care about limiting the amount of dry yeast, you can use about 3-5g, and it will be ready in about 3 hours. If you can’t eat it in one sitting, slice it after it has cooled, and save it in the freezer in a zip lock bag. I usually move what I need for breakfast from the freezer into the fridge the night before to let it defrost.


・ After mixing everything together except for the butter, let the dough sit for around 30 minutes, the dough will make better tasting bread (it allows the gluten to form easier).
・I recommend using coconut sugar or brown sugar.
・I recommend using lukewarm milk (except in the summer).
・When baking in the oven, a cold start (without preheating) will allow the bread to rise more.
・In summertime, use 20% less low-fat milk.



・300g bread flour
・18g coconut sugar or brown sugar
・6g salt
・50g heavy cream
・180g lukewarm low-fat milk(except in the summer)
・2~5g dry yeast
・20g unsalted butter

《Instructions – 8x4in loaf pan
1. Place all ingredients except for butter in a bread kneading machine and mix lightly, and once all of the powder has disappeared, let it rest for 30 minutes without drying.
2. Knead for 15-20 minutes until the gluten forms (adjust the time as needed).
3. Once the gluten has formed, add unsalted butter and knead well (usually for about 8 minutes). Let it rise until doubled in size.
4. Once the dough has risen to double the size, punch dough down. Divide into 3 pieces and shape each piece into a round ball. Rest for 20-30 minutes.
5. Flatten the dough with a rolling pin into a rectangle, so that each section will fit into the pan after folding in thirds from the ends into the middle. Repeat this 3 times, then place each section in a buttered pan, first on each end and then lastly the section of dough in the middle. -> (See the picture)
6. To keep it from drying, wrap in saran wrap or place in a bag and let it rise a second time.
7. Once the dough has risen about 1-2 cm. from the top of the pan, or, until the dough has risen to the same depth as the pan, bake in the oven at 140C for 20 minutes, then 200C for 25 minutes (no preheating)
8. Once it has baked, remove from the oven and immediately remove it from the pan to cool.

《材料 ― 一斤分》
・強力粉 300g
・ココナッツシュガー or 好みの砂糖 18g
・塩 6g
・ドライイースト 2~5g
・生クリーム 50g
・低脂肪乳 180g(人肌程度/ 夏場は除く)
・無塩バター 20g

《作り方 ー 一斤》
1. バター以外をコネ機にいれ、軽く混ぜ、粉気がなくなったら、乾燥しない状態で30分休ませる。
2. グルテンができるまで、15~20分ほど、こねる。(時間は調整してください)
3. グルテンが形成されたら、無塩バターをいれ、よくこねる。(我が家は8分程度)一次発酵へ。
4. 生地が二倍になったら、パンチをして、3等分し、丸めてベンチタイム20~30分。
5. 長方形に麺棒で伸ばし、型の幅に合うように両端を中心に向かっており(三等分するイメージ)、手前から巻いていき、綴じ目を下にして、バターを塗った(分量外)型に入れる。(3回繰り返す)型に入れるときは、両端からいれ、最後に真ん中に入れる。(写真を見る
6. 乾燥を防ぐために、ラップ、もしくは袋に入れて、二次発酵。
7. 型からパン生地が1~2㎝あがってきたら、もしくは、型の淵と同じ高さまで生地があがれば、オーブンにいれ140度で20分、その後200度で25分。(余熱必要なし)
8. 焼きあがったら、すぐに型から出してクーラーの上で冷まして、完成。

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