Recipes,  Side

Easy Garlic Miso glazed Cabbage

Can be made in big batches★★★★☆

My daughter hesitates to eat leafy vegetables, but will eat cabbage depending on how it is prepared. Her favorite is microwaved shredded cabbage with butter, soy sauce, and powdered kaibashira. Of course, the combination of butter and soy sauce is what stands out. Also, this dish is one my miso-loving daughter likes. You can adjust the softness of the cabbage when boiling, so please make it to your liking. It is an easy side dish to make. We like to add plenty of ground white sesame seeds in our house. Sesame has a lot of nutritional value, and is easy to add to dishes.


・After boiling the cabbage, wait for it to cool, and don’t run it under cold water.



(レシピ)Original recipe here (website: yaburie’s kitchen)

・Around 10 leaves  cabbage
・1 Tbsp ground  white sesame seeds
・1 tsp miso
・1 piece grated garlic
・1 tsp sesame oil
・1/2 tsp soy sauce

1. Cut the cabbage into bite-size pieces and boil for 1-2 minutes.
2. Put the cabbage into a colander, and let it cool (do not run it under cold water).
3. Put the white sesame seeds, miso, grated garlic, sesame oil, and soy sauce into a bowl and stir.
4. When the cabbage has cooled, wring it in your hands and squeeze out the water.
5. Combine the cabbage and the seasoning, and you’re done!

《材料 ー 大人3人分》
・キャベツの葉 10枚ほど
・白ごま 大1
・味噌 大1
・ニンニク 1片すりおろす
・ゴマ油 小1
・醤油 小1/2

1. 一口大に切ったキャベツをお湯で1~2分ゆでる。
2. ザルにあげ、そのまま冷めるのを待つ。(冷水はかけないこと)
3. ボウルに白すりごま、味噌、すりおろしニンニク、ゴマ油、しょうゆをいれて混ぜる。
4. キャベツが冷めたら、手で絞って水分をきる。
5. 作った調味料とキャベツをあえて、完成。

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