Recipes,  Side

Zesty Lime Shrimp and Avocado Salad

Can be made in big batches★★★☆☆

When I tried this for the first time, I thought “Can you really make something so good from such simple ingredients?” I was fairly surprised. Also, I was told that shrimp and avocado go well together, but this dish really drives the point home. If you like shrimp and avocado, definitely give this a try! The key ingredients to this recipe are the lime and the cilantro, but since many people do not like cilantro, you are fine if you leave it out. Incidentally, the dish in the picture does not contain cilantro (we were serving it to someone who can’t eat it). Since it is easy to make and delicious, it makes a great dish to make for parties. So far it has never done me wrong. In America, it is also often served with tortilla chips. A must have for your summer menu!


・If you are making it well before serving it, mix all of the ingredients and then store in the refrigerator. Mix in the avocado right before serving.
・If you overcook the shrimp they get too firm, so be careful not to overcook them.
・Using tomatoes with the seeds removed will make the dish less watery.
・If there are people who don’t like cilantro you can omit it (although if you can include it, definitely do!)
・Make sure to remove all the seeds from the jalapenos (even a few seeds will make the dish much spicier than intended.)



(レシピ)Original recipe here (credit: Skinny taste)

《材料 ー 大人4人分》
・紫たまねぎ 1/4個(みじん切り)
・ライム汁 2個分
・オリーブ油 小1
・塩、ブラックペッパー 小1/4~
・えび 約450g
・トマト 中1個
・アボカド 1個(約140g)
・ハラペーニョ 1個(種はすべて取り除く)
・パクチー 大1(みじん切り/省略可)

1. みじん切りにした紫玉ねぎと、ライム、オリーブ油、塩、ブラックペッパーをまぜて、少なくとも5分はつけておく。
2. えびをフライパンで焼いて火を通すか、204度に余熱したオーブンで10分ほど焼く。(鉄板にはクッキングシートを敷いて、オリーブ油をえびにすこし振りかけてグリルするとよし)
3. 大き目のボウルに、グリルしたえび、アボカド(一口大に切った)、トマト(種を除いた一口大に切ったもの)、ハラペーニョ(種を除いてから、みじん切り)、そしてつけておいた紫玉ねぎをマリネ液ごと加えてまぜる。
4. みじん切りにしたパクチーを上からトッピングして完成。

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