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Pulled Pork Kid Friendly

Can be made in big batches★★★★★

It’s very hard to find the very thin-sliced meat you find in Japan in America. Even if you request meat Shabu-shabu-cut, most places are unable to do so. This is when I learned about cooking pulled pork. Simply cook a pork roast in the oven for around 2 hours, then “pull” the meat into small shreds with a fork. It takes a bit of time, but since the oven does most of the work it’s pretty simple. Also, since the meat has been broken down into small pieces, it’s easy for children to eat, and it makes delicious sandwiches as leftovers the next day. I recommend trying this bit of American flavor in Japan for those who are interested.


・Season the pork roast and store in the refrigerator overnight before cooking.
・Pull the meat out of the fridge about 30 minutes before cooking, and let it warm to room temperature.



《Ingredients – pork》
・2lb boneless center-cut pork roast
・1 Tbsp paprika
・1 Tbsp ground cumin
・1 Tbsp coconut sugar or brown sugar
・1 Tbsp salt (recommend using pink salt)

《Ingredients – BBQ sauce》
・4 Tbsp ketchup
・2 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp soy sauce
・2 tsp sugar
・a pinch of ground nutmeg (you can omit)

《Instructions – Pulled Pork》
1. Trim/remove some of the fat from the pork roast (optional).
2. Mix the smoked paprika, cumin powder, sugar, and salt, and season the pork roast.
3. Wrap tightly in saran wrap, then put in a zip lock and store in the refrigerator overnight.
4. Remove the pork from the refrigerator 30 minutes before cooking and allow it to warm to room temperature.
5. Preheat the oven to 350F/ 175-180 C.
6. Coat a dutch oven with olive oil, then brown the surface of the pork.
7. Cover with a lid, then cook in the oven for 2-2 1/2 hours.
8. Flip the pork after about 1 hour (optional).
9. Once cooked, take the meat out of the oven, and pull the meat apart with a fork.
10. Add BBQ sauce or your own homemade sauce to your liking.

《Instructions – Sauce》
1. Mix the ingredients well, and you’re done!

《材料 ー プルドポーク》
・豚肉ブロック 約910~1000g
パプリカパウダー 大1
クミンパウダー 大1
・砂糖(ココナッツシュガー or 黒砂糖がおすすめ) 大1
・塩 大1

《材料 ー BBQソース》
・ケチャップ 大4
・ソース 大2
・濃口醤油 小2
・砂糖 小2
・あればナツメグ 好みで少々

《作り方 ― プルドポーク》
1. 豚肉ブロックに不要な脂分があれば、取り除く。
2. パプリカパウダークミンパウダー、砂糖、塩をまぜ、豚肉ブロックにすり込む。
3. ラップできっちりとくるみ、ジップロックや袋にいれて、冷蔵庫で一晩ねかす。
4. 豚肉を焼く30分前に冷蔵庫から出して室温に戻す。
5. オーブンを175~180度に余熱開始。(どちらでも可)
6. ダッチオーブンにオリーブ油を引き、豚肉の表面を焼く。
7. 蓋をして、オーブンにいれ2時間から2時間半焼く。
8. 1時間前後で肉をひっくり返す。
9. 完成したら、肉をお皿に取り出し、フォークで身をほぐす。
10. 好みのBBQソース、もしくは手作りソースであえて完成。

《作り方 ― ソース》
1. 材料をすべて混ぜて完成!

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