Hikes,  Travel

Ramapo Valley County Reservation

Kid friendly★★★★☆
A variety of hiking trails★★★★☆

While it is not in a downtown area, every time we go it seems like the place is packed. If the parking lot is full, there is Continental Soldiers Park nearby where you can park and walk. There is also a bathroom at the park, so it may actually be more convenient. There are nine trails here. The one we chose, the Vista Loop, appears to be a popular one. If you take the trail clockwise, you’ll soon come to a waterfall. If you continue past the waterfall you can see a dam. It seems that there are a lot of people that head back to the entrance at this point. If you continue however, you can make your way to a viewpoint where the NYC skyline can be seen on a clear day. It is a really spacious area and feels nice. We took a quick snack break here, which gave our daughter a nice energy boost. The trail down is a bit narrow and steep, so going clockwise is definitely the way to go with children. It’s an easy way to see a waterfall, the New York skyline, and a simple change of pace I recommend checking out.

Address: 608 Ramapo Valley Rd, Mahwah, NJ 07430
Official Park Trail Map – Printable
Free parking
Elevation: 262 to 898 feet
Vista Loop (Yellow Trail) : 3.75 miles

トレイルは9種類あります。おそらく私たちが行ったVista Loopが人気のようです。道中は基本、平坦な道が続き、上り下りは多くはありません。時計回りに行けば、すぐに滝を眺めることができます。滝を見てから奥に進んでいくと、ダムも見えます。おそらくこのあたりで入口に引き返す人も多いかなと感じました。ダムを越えて歩いていくと、天気がいい日にはNYも見えるビスタポイントにつきます。とても開けた場所で、気持ちいいです。ここで、休憩がてらスナックなど食べると、子供はエネルギー補給できていいと思います。帰り道は少し急な狭い坂道を下っていくので、やはり時計回りに行った方が子供連れにはおすすめです。手軽に滝を見たり、NYをみたり、気分転換を容易にするには、おすすめです。

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