Hikes,  Travel

Bramley Mountain Trail

Kid friendly★★★☆☆
A variety of hiking trails★☆☆☆☆

Nature decided to play an April fool’s joke on us, and we climbed this mountain in the snow. We were the only family on the mountain that day. It was luxurious, as if we had the mountain privately reserved for just our enjoyment. However, since the snow covered the trail, we had to be careful to spot the trail markers as we made our way on the hike. As a result, I have no idea if the trail is rocky, wide, well maintained, or otherwise. What I can say, is that I definitely recommend taking the trail clockwise up the mountain. That means following the blue trail up, and the red trail down. The trail down did appear to be rather wide and gently sloped. The parking lot was relatively spacious (also empty when we were there), and no charge. There is a brown registration box at the entrance, and I recommend signing in with the number of people in your party before heading out into the wilderness. It ensures that these wonderful trails get the funding they need to stay well maintained, and is helpful to park rangers in case (heaven forbid) something does happen when you are out on the trail. It is easy enough to do, but makes a good contribution. Please sign-in before hikes! There was supposedly a fire tower at the summit, however only the concrete feet of the tower remain. While you are too far away for a view of the NYC skyline, while on the trail you can see a number of stone walls (apparently used to mark property lines hundreds of years ago), and many large rock formations, providing plenty of natural views. The trail is a bit inconvenient as it is deep in the mountains, but it feels as if there is something pulling me back there. Hiking while it was snowing was definitely a different experience, and it left a lasting magical impression on all of us. After the hike, we drove for a little while and made a pit stop at the family-run Roxbury Mountain Maple. While Vermont’s maple syrup is famous, this organic NY maple syrup is just as good. They have other products like maple soda and maple cream and the store was a delight for a foodie like me. They also have an online store, in case you cannot make the trip out into the country-side.

Address: Glen Burnie Rd, Delhi, NY 13753
Official Park Trail Map – Printable
Free parking
Elevation: 898 feet
Vista Loop (Blue and red Trail) : 3.4 miles

エイプリルフールに本当の雪が降るという中、我が家は登りました。我が家のみが登山客。贅沢に、貸し切り状態を満喫させてもらいました。ただ、雪でトレイルが覆われていたため、トレイルマークをひたすら追ってハイキング。なので、通常は石が多いのか、道幅が広いのかなど、全くわかりません。でも登った感覚ではっきり言えるのは、時計周りに進んだ方がいいということです。青(上り)-> 頂上->赤(下り)といった順です。明らかに下りの方が道幅も広く、坂もなだらかでした。
ハイキングのあとは、車で少し走らせたところにある、家族経営のメイプルシロップのお店(Roxbury Mountain Maple)に立ち寄ることをおすすめします。VT州のメイプルシロップは有名ですが、オーガニックのNY州産メイプルシロップ。メイプルソーダやメイプルクリームなどもあって、料理好きにはたまりません。オンライン販売もしているようなので、足を運ぶことができない人は、そちらを参考にしてください。

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