Hikes,  Travel

Bull Wheel to High Peter’s Kill Trail

Kid friendly★★★☆☆
A variety of hiking trails★★★★☆

I often try to introduce hiking trips in America that are good for taking children. This time, I would like to tell you about a hike in Minnewaska State Park in New York. There are many trails in the park, but the one we took this time was the Bull Wheel to High Peter’s Kill Trail (following the blue, then white, then red markers). Some recommend doing the trail counter-clockwise, but for our family taking the trail clockwise worked best. The reason for this is when done clockwise, there is a large waterfall at the end of the hike, and you also avoid a steep descent. If you need to go to restrooms before starting the hike, I recommend making a stop at the visitors center before parking your car at the trailhead. 
 The blue trail part of the hike follows along the top of a cliff along bare rock. The trail can sometimes be narrow, so be sure to keep a close eye on any children. The trail does not go up and down so much, and is a fairly even path. The trail also has a number of nice view points along the way. You can see a river running down at the bottom and a number of mountains in the surrounding area, making for a refreshing sight. Just before the summit, there is a wide open space just a ways off the trail that gives you a panoramic view of the surrounding area. From there and past the summit there are a few places that get quite steep. Since we went in winter when it was quite icy, we were glad that we did not have to climb up on this side. If you are going counter-clockwise in the winter, you would be wise to wear microspikes for the ice. 
 There is a bridge that goes over the river, after which you arrive at the Peter’s Kill parking lot. This parking lot also has a bathroom, which was a welcome sight at that moment in the day. From there you cross the road, and follow a very spacious and flat trail to the waterfall. There were a number of cliffs along the way that looked like they were used for rock climbing, and between them and the small river you walk alongside it makes for a pleasant stroll.
 Lastly, you turn a corner and are suddenly met with a large waterfall. When we were there the waterfall was partially frozen, which made for a magical sight. However, the water also froze over the trail, so be cautious when hiking with children.
 Near Minnewaska State Park is also the town of New Paltz. I think there may be a college here, and there are a lot of little interesting stores in the town. Personally, I was interested in the cheese and houseplant store called the Grazery. You can try Raclette cheese there every Friday. It is also near the Mohonk reservation. If you are not up for a longer hike, you can also just take the shorter walk out to the waterfall and back.

Address: Old Minnewaska Trail, Kerhonkson, NY 12446
Park Trail Map – You can download for free
$10 parking
Elevation: 787feet
Length : 5.1 miles moderately trafficked loop trail

アメリカで、子連れハイキングのおすすめスポットを紹介していきます。今回は、ニューヨーク州にあるミネワスカ州立公園のハイキングコースの紹介です。コースはたくさんあり、今回我が家は5.1マイルのBull Wheel to High Peter’s Kill Trail(青、白、赤のコース)を歩きました。反時計回りにあることをおすすめされているようですが、我が家的には時計回りに進むことをおすすめします。その理由は、ハイキングの最後に滝をみれるということ、急な下り道を避けられるからです。そしてトイレを事前に済ませておきたい場合は、先にビジターセンターに行ってトイレを済ませてから駐車場に行くことをお勧めします。
 川をわたる橋をふたつ越え、Peter’s Killの駐車場に到着します。トイレがあるのはありがたいですね。そこから道路を横断し、広い平坦な道を滝に向かって歩いていきます。ロッククライミング用の岩でしょうか?大きな岩や小川をみながら歩いていくので、楽しいと思います。
 最後にミネワスカ州立公園の近くのニューパルツ(New Paltz)について言及していきたいと思います。大学があるからでしょうか。小さなお店がたくさん立ち並び、興味をそそるお店がたくさんありました。個人的には、Grazeryというチーズと観葉植物のお店に行きたかったです。毎週金曜だけラクレット(Raclette)を食べることができるようです。また、観光地のモホンク(Mohonk)もあります。長いハイキングに不安がある場合は、滝だけを見て、こういった場所を見て回るのもいいかもしれません。

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