Creamy Salmon Croquette Patties Kid Friendly
Overall | ★★★★★ |
Difficulty | ★★☆☆☆ |
Speed | ★★★☆☆ |
Cost | ★★★☆☆ |
Can be made in big batches | ★★★★★ |
I was shocked when I saw fish prices in America, it is far more expensive than Japan. Of course, I was raised along the coast in Japan, so I am used to a wide variety of very fresh fish available at low prices. This recipe was designed to save money actually. I buy a nice cut of salmon and use it to make croquettes, which are very popular in my family. They keep overnight and can be put in a lunchbox the following day. They can be either fried or baked.
・Bake the salmon in the oven or toaster-oven before cooking in the croquette
・If you have time, steam the potatoes and mash them. If you don’t have time, use the microwave to mash the potatoes.
・If you live in America, I recommend using McCormick Grill Mates brand Montreal Steak Seasoning as black pepper.
・アメリカ在住の人は、McCormick Grill Mates, Montreal Steak Seasoningを胡椒として使うのが、おすすめ。
《Ingredients – About 12 patties》
・1lb salmon fillet
・3 potatoes
・salt, black pepper
・3 Tbsp heavy cream or milk
・3 Tbsp grated parmesan cheese
・all-purpose flour
・panko bread crumbs
・2 eggs
・olive oil or nonstick olive oil cooking spray
1. Sprinkle salt on the salmon, and let sit at room temperature for 30 minutes.
2. Remove excess moisture with a paper towel. Cook in an oven or toaster (I cook at 200 C for 20-25 minutes). Once it’s cooked, break it into flakes and remove the skin and bones.
3. Steam the quartered potatoes and mash (if you don’t have time, you can heat them in the microwave).
4. Take the mashed potatoes and flaked salmon, and mix them together. Mix in the powdered cheese, fresh cream or milk, salt, and black pepper (If it is still grainy, add in a little more cream).
5. (If you are frying) Coat each patty in flour and shake off any excess. Then dunk in egg and coat with panko.
6. (If you aren’t frying) Heat the panko in a non-stick fry pan, then when it is brown, coat each patty in the browned panko, and cook in the oven at 200 C for 15 minutes (I recommend using a baking sheet lined with parchment paper with oil spray to keep it from sticking).
7. Add your favorite sauce as a topping to taste like ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, although our house usually eats them plain.
《材料 - 12個分》
・鮭 1切れ(約450g)
・じゃがいも 大3
・塩、黒コショウ 適量
・生クリーム or 牛乳 大3
・粉チーズ 大3
・薄力粉 適量
・パン粉 適量
・たまご 2個
・オリーブ油 適量
1. 切り身の鮭に塩をふって、30分室温におく。
2. オーブン、もしくはトースターで焼く。(我が家は、200度で20~25分)焼けたら、ほぐしておく。
3. 各々4等分にしたジャガイモを蒸して、マッシュする。(時間がない場合は、レンチン)
4. マッシュしたジャガイモ、ほぐした鮭をよくまぜ、粉チーズ、生クリーム or 牛乳、塩、黒コショウをいれてよく混ぜ、俵型に成形する。(粉っぽいようであれば、生クリームの量を少しずつ追加可)
5. (揚げる場合)薄力粉、溶き卵、パン粉の順につけ、オリーブオイルで両面がきつね色になるまで焼いて完成。
6. (揚げない場合)フライパンでパン粉を炒り、茶色になったものを成形した生地につけ、200度のオーブンで15分程度焼いて完成。(クッキングシートにオイルスプレーして、くっつき防止になる)
7. 好みでお好きなソースなどをかけてもよし。我が家はこのままいただきます。

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