To Go,  Travel



The reason why I wanted to visit ARTIE’S because I read in the news that my favorite bakery shop, The Bread Stand, announced that they will move to a new place with ARTIE’S. I thought it is the perfect reason to go visit ARTIE’S since I liked The Bread Stand’s bread and my family love pizzas. Our first try was actually back to Father’s Day. We arrived there almost after lunch time and we gave up. So, we tried to go there again and finally we could make it with 1 hour waiting time. I’m not sure if you can make a reservation. If you can, I recommend making a reservation since there are always waiting lists. I saw several groups of people ordering their drink while waiting and they were enjoying the chat.
We ordered Farmer’s Salad and one pizza half & half (Montagna & Maple Bacon). Salad was served with seasonal accompaniments. Ours were peaches. There are a good amount of leafy greens, ricotta cheese with balsamic vinegar dressing. Dressing was perfect for me, but it might be a bit sour for children. Amazingly, the salad with peaches was great. I was so happy to order it.
As for pizza, the crust was thin, crispy, yet soft and chewy. Large pizza(16″) was enough for my family, 2 adults and 1 child. If you are a bacon lover and like heavy taste, you might like Maple Bacon. I like light teste, prosciutto and fresh leafy greens, so Montagna was great for me. If I have a chance to go back, I will try to have Bosco which has mushrooms in it.
According to the reviews, meatballs are popular as appetizers. I saw a good number of people eating pasta. I assume their pasta is also good.
You can also buy bread. If you want to buy croissants and danish, you should go there around lunch time as I haven’t seen any sweet bread at all. If you like sourdough bread, country bread, you can buy it at dinner time.
Finally, there is a spacious parking lot behind the restaurant and it seems like it will be filled up soon as there are waiting lists. You use the street parking if the lot is full. I hope you have a chance to go to ARTIE’S to have a tasty pizza!  

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Address: 15 Newark Way, Maplewood, NJ 07040

以前たまたま訪れたThe Bread StandとARTIE’Sというピザレストランが共同経営になり、新しくお店をオープンさせました。The Bread Standのパン、サンドイッチがおいしかったので、ピザ好きの家族を引き連れてARTIE’Sに行ってきました。以前行ったとき、お昼の部が終わる直前だったので断念。そして今回はディナータイムに行きましたが、いつ行っても、お客さんがいっぱいというイメージしかありません。事前予約できるかどうか不明ですが、店頭に事前連絡して予約することをおすすめします。待機中にドリンクをオーダーして、飲みながら待つことも可能なようです。
私たちは、サラダ(Farmer’s Salad)とピザ(ハーフ&ハーフ/Montagna & Maple Bacon)を頼みました。サラダは旬の桃が入っていて、バルサミコ酢の酸っぱさと桃の甘さが絡まっておいしかったです。酢の気が強いバルサミコ酢だったので、子供には不向きかもしれません。
定評のあるピザは、生地がすっごくおいしかったです。モチモチした薄い生地で、食べ応えがありました。我が家は大人2人、子供1人でラージサイズ(16インチ)で十分でした。ベーコンが好きで濃い味が大丈夫なら、Maple Bacon。あっさり味が好み、生ハムやルッコラが好きならMontagnaがストライクかな。私はマッシュルームの入っているBoscoも悩みましたがMontagnaをオーダーしたことに満足でした。
ディナーの時間帯に、購入できるThe Bread Standのパンは大物ばかり(カントリーブレッドなど)で、クロワッサンやデニッシュ生地のデザート系のパンは売り切れてました。パンもレストランも楽しみたい場合はランチ時に訪れることをおすすめします。
