DiMillo’s On The Water
Overall | ★★★☆☆ |
Food | ★★★★☆ |
Service | ★★★☆☆ |
Value | ★★★★☆ |
Atmosphere | ★★★☆☆ |
If you want to come DiMillo’s On The Water during a high tourist season, I recommend making a reservation well in advance. If you are unable to make a reservation, you may be able to get in if you arrive around 5. However, you may not get to choose the table. We had outdoor seating on the first floor, and were able to get in without having to wait.
We had Crispy Fried Oyster, Broiled Scallops, Lazy Lobster, DiMillo’s Style Lobster Mac & Cheese. If you were hoping for the large oysters you can find in Japan, you may find these to be small to the point where it puts you off. If you like large oysters, then perhaps the Crispy Fried Oyster is not the best choice for you.
I had the Broiled Scallops. This was a simple dish with salt and lemon, and was tasty. I recommend it for people who like scallops. However, it is a bit salty, so if you are concerned about sodium intake I suggest asking the restaurant to lessen the salt. My husband ordered the lazy lobster. The lobster was completely removed from its shell and served in butter, making it easy to eat, and it had plenty of meat, so he was satisfied. Our daughter had the lobster mac & cheese. Simply put, it is mac and cheese with lobster mixed in, effectively turning a simple staple up a notch. My daughter, who was eating lobster for the first time, ate with a smile covering her whole face. Of course, it was far too big a serving for an eight-year-old, so my husband ate my daughter’s leftovers. When our family goes to a restaurant with an established reputation, we usually order food for our daughter from the regular menu rather than the kid’s menu. I think the lobster mac & cheese would have been good as an item on the kids menu, but they only had regular mac & cheese, and rather than having items that were unique to the restaurant, it only had the kinds of things you can find anywhere. If you want to enjoy a nice meal with your children, I recommend ordering something off the adult menu.
Getting to eat on the boat was a special situation, and it captivated our daughter. I think it is a great place to go with your kids.
DiMillo’s On The Water
Address: 25 Long Wharf, Portland, ME 04101
食べたのは、Crispy Fried Oyster、Broiled Scallops、Lazy Lobster、DiMillo’s Style Lobster Mac & Cheeseです。カキは日本の大粒のものに慣れていると、食べた気がしないくらい小さく感じるかもしれません。大粒のものを好む方は、 Crispy Fried Oysterを選ばない方がいいと思います。私はBroiled Scallops(ホタテの炙り焼き)をいただきました。これはシンプルに塩とレモンでおいしかったです。貝柱が好きな人にはお勧めです。ただ塩気が少し強いので、塩分を気にする方は、オーダーの際に伝えた方がいいかもしません。主人はLazy Lobsterをオーダー。殻からほぐされた身がバターと一緒に出てくるので、食べるのが簡単です(笑)しっかりした身に、主人も大満足のようでした。娘が食べた、ロブスターマック&チーズ。マック&チーズにロブスターが入っているので、かなりの格上げ一品。初めて食べるロブスターに娘は舌鼓をうちながら、満面の笑みで食べてくれました。もちろん8歳の娘には多い量なので、主人が食べ残しを食べました。我が家は定評のあるレストランに行く際は、キッズメニューではなく大人メニューから子供のものも選ぶようにしています。キッズメニューにも ロブスターマック&チーズがあればいいのですが、普通のマック&チーズしかメニューになく、他のメニューもこちらのレストランでしか食べれないものではなく、どこのレストランでも食べれるようなものばかりです。子供にも一緒に「食」を楽しんでもらいたい場合は、大人メニューから選ぶことをおすすめします。
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