To Go,  Travel

Congdon’s Doughnuts


When is a good time for donuts? I think they make a good dessert, so I think they are good for afternoons. However, in America they are normally eaten for breakfast. I think eating something so sugary on an empty stomach raises your blood sugar, so is it OK?
 Despite those misgivings, our family stopped at a famous donut spot just before lunch. It was just before lunch on a weekday during vacation season, and yet there was still a long line. Also, you should note that from Thursday through Tuesday they only have take-out and the drive through open until 2 (a.m.?) If you are planning to come for dessert, the store may already be closed, or the donut you want may be sold out, so think about the time you go there.
 At the ordering window, they don’t ask what you want at first, but “how many?” This seems to be common in America, as is ordering donuts by the dozen. If 12 is too many, you can order a half-dozen. Only after that can you tell them which flavors you want. We ordered honey dip, chocolate glazed, strawberry glazed, and raspberry-filled. This store’s donuts are fluffy, so it may surprise people who like the firmer old-fashioned style donuts. I liked the honey dip donuts a lot, enough to sell me on honey dip as a flavor. The donuts are a little sweet, but do not have that aftertaste that can come when using cheap oil, which was good. My daughter wanted the strawberry glazed, but ended up not liking it much. Rather than tasting like the fruit it was really just sugary. If you are really looking for a strawberry taste, maybe these are not a good option.
 You can also buy stickers with logos at the store for 2 dollars. They have three types of stickers. Make sure to ask the staff which flavors they have. The donut pictures are cute, so think about picking up some stickers while you are there too!  

Congdon’s Doughnuts
Address: 1090 Post Rd, Wells, ME 04090


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