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Yakitori -Grilled Chicken-

Can be made in big batches★★★★☆

In Japan, Yakitori refers to food that is grilled on a stick. Similar to what you would call a kebab in America. When I think of eating yakitori I remember living in Osaka just after graduating college. Meeting up with friends in among the throng of people in the oppressive summer heat, then passing through the conspicuously fashionable curtain of the yakitori shop, then eating yakitori with an ice-cold beer in one hand on Friday and Saturday nights . Missing the last train and going bar hopping, it is quite a departure from my current life, but that is yakitori.
As you can tell, this yakitori is not on a stick. Of course, if you like you can serve it on a stick after making it to give it that yakitori restaurant feel. When I am at the restaurants I prefer “salty” but when at home I like “saucy” yakitori, and this recipe is yakitori with sauce. This is a recipe I learned from my mother, and the key point of the recipe is the bite-sized chicken marinated neatly in sauce. You can marinate the chicken in sauce the night before, but at the very least do it 30 minutes to an hour prior to cooking. Letting the flavor properly seep into the yakitori is delicious as expected. Please give our house’s yakitori recipe a try!


・ Marinate the bite-sized chicken pieces well ahead of time! Yakitori is best when the flavor is allowed to soak in. 



《Ingredients – 5~8 Servings 》
・2lb chicken breast
・90~95ml soy sauce
・100ml mirin
・2Tbsp brown sugar or coconut sugar

1. Cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces, then combine with the soy sauce, mirin, and brown sugar in a bowl and allow to marinate (min. 30 minutes, but can be left overnight).
2. Put some oil in a fry pan, and grill the chicken. They will char easily, so take care. If you are worried about burning the chicken, you can wipe off the charred spots with a paper towel. If you like, you can glaze on any remaining sauce at the end, and grill it until it shines, at which point you’ll be done.

《材料  ー 大人4~5人分》
・鶏肉 800g
・しょうゆ 1/2カップ弱
・みりん 1/2カップ
・黒砂糖 大2強

1. 鶏肉を一口大にきり、しょうゆ、みりん、黒砂糖をまぜあわせたものに漬け込む。(30分~一晩)
2. フライパンに油を敷き、鶏肉を焼く。焦げやすいので、気を付ける。焦げが気になる場合は、キッチンペーパーなどで、こげたところをふき取ってあげるとよい。好みで、最後に残ったタレを回しかけて照りがでるまで焼いて完成。  

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