Desserts,  Recipes

Easy Peanut Butter Cookies

Can be made in big batches★★★★☆

Am I the only one who thinks peanut butter is a very “American” thing? I have never been able to figure out why Americans love peanut butter so much, but since I’ve been here I see it around every corner. Friends of mine who have given birth to children in America have told me that doctors advise them to start giving kids peanut butter around the time they start eating baby food. I think this is so that they can determine if there is a peanut allergy early on, but it still came as a big surprise to me and my Japanese friends. I had never given my daughter peanut butter until recently. She had been watching a children’s cooking show on YouTube, and told me she wanted to try making the same dessert as she saw on the show, and this became the first time she ever tried peanut butter. It is somewhat of a wonder that she made it all the way to 7 without ever having tried it. At first taste, she made a bit of a surprised face, but now she asks for peanut butter on her morning toast every once in a while. My daughter likes creamy peanut butter, but my husband prefers chunky. We had some leftover creamy peanut butter from my daughter’s cooking experiment, so I made these cookies. Starting with my husband, these cookies were popular with my American relatives. I think the feature points are that they are mildly sweet and easy to eat. Give this a try if you are worried about how to use up the peanut butter in your house. These may be good even if people do not necessarily like peanut butter (like me!)


・Be careful not to over-mix when adding the powder ingredients.
・If you want to make more, just double all the ingredient amounts.



(レシピ)Original recipe here (credit: yaburie’s kitchen)

・80g peanut butter (creamy or chunky)
・1.7oz plant-based oil
・1/4 tsp vanilla extract
・150g cake flour
・2/3 tsp baking powder
・a pinch of salt

1. Preheat the oven 170 degrees Celsius.
2. Put the peanut butter, plant-based oil, maple syrup, and vanilla extract in a bowl and mix.
3. Combine the cake flour, baking powder, and salt in a sieve, then add to the bowl and mix.
4. Form the dough into balls about 2 cm. in diameter, then place them on a metal cookie sheet covered in parchment paper.
5. Press down on the top of the balls with the end of a fork to make the design, then cook in the oven at 170 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes.

《材料 ー 18枚分》
・ピーナツバター(クリーミーor チャンキー) 80g
・サラダ油 1/4カップ
・メイプルシロップ 60cc
・バニラエッセンス 少々
・薄力粉 150g
・ベーキングパウダー 小2/3
・塩 少々

1. オーブンを170度に余熱開始する。
1. ピーナツバター、サラダ油、メイプルシロップ、バニラエッセンスをボウルにいれて混ぜる。
2. 薄力粉、ベーキングパウダー、塩を一緒にふるい、さきほどのボウルに入れて、混ぜる。
3. 直径2センチぐらいのボールを作り、クッキングシートを敷いた鉄板にのせる。
4. フォークで表面を平らにつぶしながらフォークの模様をつけ、170度のオーブンで20分前後焼いて完成。

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