Easy Japanese Sweetened Kidney Beans
Overall | ★★★★☆ |
Difficulty | ★☆☆☆☆ |
Speed | ★★★★☆ |
Cost | ★★☆☆☆ |
Can be made in big batches | ★★★★☆ |
One of Japan’s staple small dishes, red kidney beans stewed in sweetened soy sauce. It’s not something you would eat every day, but there are times where you get a craving for it. This recipe is an easy recipe that uses canned beans, and doesn’t require you to soak the beans overnight. Of course, if you have the time starting from the raw bean tastes good, but so does starting from the can. However, since this recipe uses a lot of sugar, it should not be used as a main dish but as a side to be enjoyed in small portions. Canned kidney beans are very common in America, so please give this a try if you want to add some Japanese flavor to a widely available food.
・Please rinse kidney beans because they are sometimes salty.
(レシピ)Original recipe here (credit: Saho’s kitchen)
《Ingredients ー About 5 servings》
・1 (16 oz.) can red kidney beans, drained and rinsed
・30~50g sugar
・1/2 tsp soy sauce
《材料 ー 大人5人分》
・キドニービーンズ 1缶
・砂糖 30~50g
・醤油 小1/2
1. Put red kidney beans in a colander and drained and rinsed well.
2. Put them into a pot and sprinkle sugar. Add just enough water to cover the top, and mix.
3. When the water starts to boil, turn into low heat and put a lid. Simmer for around 10 mins.
4. Add the soy sauce and mix well, then stew until it gets soft to your liking or until all the liquid has evaporated.
5. Once cooked, cool completely before serving. (Once it has cooled the flavor will have permeated through the beans).
1. 豆をザルにあげ、よく水であらう。
2. 鍋にいれ、砂糖をふりかけ、お水をひたひたになるまで入れる。そして混ぜ合わせる。
3. 火にかけ沸騰したら、弱火、蓋して10分煮る。
4. しょうゆをまわしかけ、豆を混ぜ合わせ、好みの柔らかさになるまで or 汁気がなくなるまで煮る。
5. 完成したら、完全に冷まして完成。(冷ましたものの方が、味がしみこんでおいしい)
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