Desserts,  Original,  Recipes

The Best Apple Pie

Can be made in big batches★★☆☆☆

When I was a little girl I remembered coming home to the smell of apple pie, and it made my heart jump with joy. The apple pie my mother made was tastier than the pies you could buy in a store, it was special. I didn’t think a day would come when I would be the one making pies, but then I became a mother and wanted to do the same for my daughter, and so I finally tried making my mother’s apple pie. No matter how many times I tried I could not get it to taste like my mother’s, but this is a recipe that my daughter also loves. This pie has a very thin and crispy crust like a croissant. The pie is filled with plenty of tart apples, I recommend using Fuji apples that are not mashed.


・If you are not using a food processor, slice the butter into cubes as small as possible, and use butter that has been well chilled. (Actually, it is much better to get a nice pie.)
・ I recommend using Fuji apples in America, because they don’t get mushy when stewing.  
・ I recommend making it in winter. (making in warm temperatures makes handling the dough difficult to handle)
・ If you stretch the dough over aluminum foil, it will be easy to put it in the oven.
・Take the mixture you boil the apples in, and after cooking use it to glaze the top, giving it a pretty sheen and becoming even tastier. 



《Ingredients ー Filling》
・3 tsp unsalted butter
・2 fuji apples
・2.3oz cane sugar
・1/2~1 lemon juice

・無塩バター 小3
・りんご 2個 (いちょう切り)
・きび砂糖 1/2カップ
・シナモンパウダー 小1(好みで)
・レモン汁 1/2~1個

《Ingredients ーPie》
・4.2oz + 1oz cake flour
・4.2oz unsalted butter 
・cold water 1/3カップ

・薄力粉 120g+30g
・無塩バター 120g (キューブ状に切り、よく冷やしておく)
・冷水 1/3カップ

1. Preheat the oven to 210C (410F).
2. Put 3 teaspoons of unsalted butter, sugar, and apples sliced into small triangles in a saucepan, and heat on low.
3. When the juice starts coming out of the apples, add the lemon juice and cinnamon powder. Once the apples become transparent, remove it from heat (at this time set aside the mixture for glazing later).
4. Add the chilled butter to the cake flour, and pulse it in a food processor to mix while adding cold water. The dough is ready when it has formed into bean-sized balls. (If you do not have a food processor, mix it until the dough forms curds around the size of beans).
5. Use the remaining flour (30g) as a powder, and form the dough into a single ball.
6. Divide the dough into 2 pieces at around a 60/40 ratio.
7. Take the smaller ball of dough and flatten it to around 2-3 mm thick square and place on the aluminum foil.
8. Coat the pie crust dough with the egg yolk, then place the apples on top once they have cooled.
9. Take the larger piece of dough, and similarly spread it to around 2-3 mm thick, and cut at evenly spaced intervals with a knife.
10. Take those and place them on top of the apple filling, weaving them in four directions. (See the picture
11. Glaze the top with egg yolk and cook in the oven for 20 minutes, then lower the temperature to 160C(320F) and cook for an additional 10 minutes.
12. While the pie is still hot, glaze the top with the mixture used to boil the apples.

1. オーブン210度に余熱。
1. 鍋に無塩バター小3、砂糖、いちょう切りにしたりんごを加え、弱中火にかける。
2. 汁気がでてきたら、レモン汁、シナモンパウダーを加え、リンゴが透明になったら、ザルにあげる。(この時の煮汁はおいておく。)
3. ふるっておいた小麦粉に、よく冷えたバターを加え、フードプロセッサーのパルスで少しずつ混ぜながら、冷水を加えていく。生地がぽろぽろになるぐらいで終了。(フードプロセッサーがない場合は、カードなどできるようにしてまぜ、小豆大くらいの大きさになったら終了)
4. 残っている薄力粉(30g)を打ち粉として使用し、できた生地を一塊にする。
5. 6:4ぐらいの割合で生地を二つに分ける。
6. 小さい方の生地を2~3ミリの厚さに丸棒でのばし(長方形)、アルミホイルの上におく。
7. 四方に卵黄を塗り、冷めたりんご(フィリング)をのせていく。
8. 残っている大き目のパイ生地を同様に2~3ミリの厚さにのばし、縦長におり、包丁で折り目のところから等間隔に切り込みをいれる。
9. それを開き、さきほどのフィリングの上からかぶせ、パイの四辺を織り込んでいく。(写真はこちら
10. 上から、卵黄を塗り、オーブンで20分ほど焼き、その後160度に下げて10分焼く。
11. 焼きあがったら熱いうちに、残しておいたリンゴの煮汁を塗って完成。

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