Desserts,  Recipes

The Best Tarte Tatin

Can be made in big batches★★★☆☆

In New Jersey, where I live, September is the start of apple picking season. We always take home as many as we like, but there are only so many apples we can eat in a day. This is the perfect time to make a Tart Tatin. It uses a lot of apples, and before you know it all of those apples will be gone. Also because the apples are being caramelized, the apples are sweeter than when eaten fresh, making for a luxurious dessert. 
 Essentially, it is like the cake version of an apple pie. I love the Tart Tatin because it really features the apples. Fall is the season of flavors. If I even have a lot of apples, I can’t wait to use them in one of these cakes.


・A fine grain sugar is best, if you have coarse sugar you may need to grind it with a mill.
・Cut the apples into quarters, then peel, core, and place in a bowl filled with water.
・When packing the apples into the cake pan, do your best to place them with the backs facing the rim, and use apples that have been softened with heat. Try to minimize the crevasses in between the apples. 
・When grilling in the oven, cook fresh apples for 40 minutes. If the apples were picked over a week prior, then you can cook for 35 minutes (before adding to the pie crust).



(レシピ)Original recipe here (credit: Tennen seikatsu)

《Ingredients for a 15 cm. cake pan – no removable bottom》
– pie crust-
・80g cake flour or all purpose flour
・10g sugar
・50g unsalted butter
・1 egg yolk
・1 tsp milk

・6 apples  (peeled and cored, around 770g)
・Sugar – around 10% of the weight of the apples (after peeling and coring)
・50g unsalted butter
・1 Tbsp water

1. Cut 1 cm slices of butter for the pie crust, and cool in the refrigerator. Also chill the milk.
2. Cut the apples into quarters, then peel, core, and place in a bowl filled with water.
3. In a 15 cm cake pan (without a removable bottom), line it with parchment paper and preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
4. Make the pie crust dough. Place the flour, sugar, butter, and eggs in a food processor and mix together. Then, add the milk, then continue to mix lightly.
5. Take the dough from the food processor, spread it out a little bit and wrap in saran wrap. Then place it in the refrigerator and let cool for at least 1 hour.
6. Make the apple filling. Place the sugar in a frypan and add water. Heat the frypan over medium-low heat, and stir occasionally with a spatula until the sugar browns.
7. Once you smell burning sugar and see the caramel color, add the butter and continue simmering until that browns as well. 
8. Turn off the heat, add the prepared apple pieces, and simmer for another 14-15 minutes. Flip over the apples every 5 minutes or so, and continue simmering until they become translucent and take on a light brown color. 
9. Coat the cake pan with the broth, and pack in the apples. 
10. Place the cake pan in the oven and cook for around 35-40 minutes. Take out of the oven and create some openings with a spoon. Place on a net and cool it with the cake pan. 
11. Take the pie crust dough out of the refrigerator, and spread it to about 3cm thickness, then spread it in a 15 cm cake pan. If you do not have a cake pan, you can draw a 15 cm diameter circle on parchment paper and spread it out there accordingly. Return the dough to the refrigerator until you are ready to cook. 
12. Around 10 minutes before baking, take the dough out of the refrigerator and poke holes in it with a fork. 
13. Place the pie crust on top of the chilled apples, then stretch the dough with your fingers until it covers the edges. Bake for 35 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius. 
14. After baking, allow it to cool first, then place it in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours. Then, flip the cake pan upside down, slide the Tart Tatin out onto a plate, and it is ready to serve! 

《材料 ー 底が抜けない15㎝のケーキ型》
・薄力粉 80g
・砂糖 10g
・無塩バター 50g
・卵黄 1個
・牛乳 小1

・りんご 6個(皮と芯を取り除いて約770g)
・砂糖 皮と芯を取り除いたりんごの10%量
・無塩バター  50g
・水 大1

1. パイ生地用のバターは1cm角に切り、冷蔵庫で冷やしておく。牛乳も冷蔵庫で冷やしておく。
1. りんごを4等分に切って皮をむき、芯を切り落としたら、水が入ったボウルにさらしておく。
2. 直径15cmのケーキ型(底が抜けない型)にクッキングシートを敷いて、オーブンは180度に余熱開始。
3. パイ生地をつくる。フードプロセッサーに小麦粉、砂糖、バター、卵黄を入れ、混ぜ合わせ、牛乳を加え、生地が軽くまとまるまで混ぜる。
4. フードプロセッサーから生地を取り出し、少し平らにした状態にしてからラップする。冷蔵庫で1時間以上、寝かせる。
5. りんごのフィリングをつくる。砂糖をフライパンに入れ、水を加える。フライパンを中弱火にかけ、木べらでたまに混ぜながら砂糖を焦がし、色が変わるまで煮込む。
6. 砂糖が焦げた香りがしてきて、キャラメル色になったらバターを加え、もう少し色が付くまで煮込む。
7. 火を止め、下準備しておいたりんごを並べ、計14~15分ほど煮込む。5分おきくらいにりんごをひっくり返し、透明感が出てきて、全体的に薄茶色になるまで煮込む。
8. ケーキ型に煮汁を回し入れ、りんごを詰める。
9. オーブンにいれ、35~40分程焼き、オーブンから出したらスプーンで隙間を埋める 。網に乗せて、型ごと冷やす。
10. 冷蔵庫からパイ生地を取り出し、3mmほどの厚さに伸ばして、15cmの型を生地にのせ、丸くくり抜く。型がなければ、クッキングシートなどに15cmの円を描き、それに合わせて生地を丸く切る。生地は使うまで冷蔵庫で冷やしておく。
11. 焼く10分ほど前に、パイ生地を冷蔵庫から取り出し、フォークで穴を刺す。
12. パイ生地を、冷ましたりんごの上にのせ、指で生地が縁に届くまできっちり伸ばして、180度に余熱したオーブンで35分焼く。
13. 粗熱を取ったら冷蔵庫に入れ、8時間以上(ひと晩)冷やしてでき上がり。型を逆さにしてタルトタタンを皿に取り出し、好みの大きさに切り分けていただく。

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