Desserts,  Recipes

Easy Sugared Cranberries

Can be made in big batches★★★★☆

When Thanksgiving draws near in America, fresh cranberries begin popping up all over the place. In Japan, I had only ever eaten dry cranberries, so I remember being excited when I saw them fresh for sale. However, did you know that despite being a berry like a strawberry, they are very hard, and very tart?
 When I saw these sugared cranberries, I thought they looked so cute, like little jewels, but I wouldn’t be able to eat them covered in so much sugar. I like things on the more sour side of ‘sweet and sour,’ so I thought they would be fine using less sugar, but even if I used a lot of sugar, they were not very well received by the other members of my family. They feel crisp and crunchy in your mouth. If you are not sure whether or not you like cranberries, I recommend making a half-serving for your first time. Also, if you can finish them, you can use them as a topping on a cake, since they are also pleasing to the eye. If you want a taste of American culture and are interested in cranberries, give this a try!


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・1 cup refers to 1 American-size cup, in Japan please measure 240 ml.
・When melting the sugar, if you boil the mixture, you risk breaking open the cranberries when adding them. If you do accidentally boil the syrup, let it cool a bit before adding the cranberries.



(レシピ)Original recipe here (credit: Yoshiko Sullivan)

・1 cup of sugar
・1 cup of water
・1 package (12oz) of fresh cranberries
・Some sugar for coating

1.  Heat sugar and water in a saucepan until the sugar dissolves.
2.  Add washed cranberries and soak them in the syrup overnight. The cranberries float so you might want to lay a plate on top of them to keep them submerged.
3.  Lightly pat them dry, coat them with sugar in a shallow bowl, then let them dry for 2 hours until sugar is crunchy.

・クランベリー 2カップ(340g)
・グラニュー糖 適量

1. 水と砂糖を鍋に入れ火にかけて、砂糖を溶かす。
2. 砂糖がとけたら(煮立つ前に)火を止め、洗ったクランベリーを鍋に加え、一晩置く。クランベリーが沈むように上にお皿を乗せるとよい。
3. 軽くペーパータオルでクランベリーの汁気を取り、バットなどに入れたグラニュー糖にまぶす。2時間ほどグラニュー糖がカリカリになるまで乾かして、完成。

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