
Midnight At The Blackbird Cafe

Here is the review of Midnight At The Blackbird Cafe by Heather Webber. The picture of the blueberry tart on the book cover attracted me and I decided to read it.
Anna Kate, who is the main character, flies to the little town of Wicklow in the mountain shadows of Alabama to have the funeral for her Grandma Zee. Her original plan is to go back to Massachusetts to attend the grad school after closing Zee’s cafe in Wicklow and settling her estate. However, she starts to struggle with her future if she should sell her grandma’s estate or if she should seek her dreams to become a doctor.
Anna Kate looks for the secret ingredient to reproduce Zee’s popular pies at the cafe. She finds out it is homemade mulberry jam which I’ve heard for the first time in my life and I was eager to make blueberry tart with it but otherwise, this book is like a Hallmark movie. Still, it’s cozy, safe and not complicated.  

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Midnight At The Blackbird Cafe by Heather Webberの感想を書きます。表紙のブルーベリータルトと、心温まる本というコメントに惹かれて、読むことにしました。
