
The Friend Zone

Here is the review of The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez. This book is selected USA Today bestselling romantic comedy.
Kristen Peterson who is one of main characters decided to have a medically necessary procedure that will make it impossible for her to have children. When she had decided, she fell in love with Josh Copeland who is funny, sexy, never offended by her mile-wide streak of sarcasm. Here is a problem. His dream is having a big family in the future. She was in shock since she knew she is no able to let his dream come true with her. She tries to keep a distance from him. Josh also fell in love with her, but he doesn’t know her big secret that she was planning to have a procedure. He cannot understand why she tries to reject him.
Sometimes people try to pretend to be a person to get his/ her heart. But this book teaches you that it is not necessary. Shape of happiness can be change or adjust depends on the situation. Enjoy this fun with tissues! 

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The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez の感想を書きます。
この本はラブコメ本で、USA Todayにてベストセリングに選ばれています。
