Desserts,  Recipes

No Butter Easy Chocolate Chip Cookies

Can be made in big batches★★★☆☆

Our family rarely uses cream, so whenever we buy any there always leftover that often goes unused. This butter-free chocolate chip cookie recipe swoops in to help use up all the remainders. Since it has chocolate chips it is sure to be a hit. However, if you happen to have Couverture Chocolate, I recommend using that instead. The outside of the cookie is hard and crispy, however the middle is fluffy, so I think it is an easy to eat cookie. Usually when using butter, you need to keep it and the eggs separate, but that is not necessary for this easy-to-make recipe, so it could be a fun one to make with kids or when you are short on time.


・If you don’t have any chocolate chips, you can also roughly chop some bar chocolate into chunks (My recommendation is Couverture Chocolate).
・If you are using frozen cream, be sure to mix it well as it will separate, and add sugar.
・You can adjust the amount of sugar to taste. I like to use around 80g. 



(レシピ)Original recipe here (credit: minori-rio’s page)

《Ingredients -15~20 Servings》
・60g bread flour
・160g cake flour
・100g heavy cream
・1 egg
・100g sugar
・1/4 tsp baking soda
・1/2 tsp baking powder
・2g salt
・120g chocolate chip or couverture chocolate

1.  Preheat the oven to 170 degrees Celsius.
2. Pour the fresh cream into a bowl, then mix in the egg and brown sugar. Once mixed, add in the baking soda, baking powder, and salt an continue mixing. 
3. Pour the mixture into a separate bowl containing the flour, then mix until the dough is no longer powdery.
4. Mix in the chocolate.
5. Form the dough into balls around the size of a ping pong ball and place on a cookie sheet. The dough will expand while cooking, so be sure to leave some space in-between.
6. Bake at 170 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes, then let cool on a cookie cooling sheet.

《材料 ー 15~20個分》
・強力粉 60g
・薄力粉 160g
・生クリーム 100g
・たまご 1個
・三温糖 100g
・重曹 小1/4
・ベーキングパウダー 小1/2
・塩 2g
・荒刻みしたチョコ 120g

1. 170度にオーブンを余熱する。
2. 生クリームをボウルにいれ、卵と三温糖を加えてよく混ぜる。混ざったら、重曹、ベーキングパウダー、塩も入れてさらに混ぜる。
3. ふるっておいた粉類をボウルに加え、粉っぽさがなくなるまで混ぜる。
4. チョコレートを加えて、まぜる。
3. 鉄板にピンポン玉ぐらいの大きさで落としていく。(焼くとのびるので、間隔をあけておく)
4. 170度で15分ほど焼き、ケーキクーラーの上で冷まして完成。

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