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Broccoli Pesto Pasta

Can be made in big batches★★☆☆☆

This is a dish that makes a frequent appearance at our dinner table, which I make for my daughter, who does not like green vegetables but loves pasta. In the original recipe it is made with ricotta cheese, but we leave it out in our house. Using raw broccoli tastes better. I’ve also tried substituting the broccoli for spinach, which was also delicious. I haven’t tried it with cabbage, but I feel like it would be good with kale. The original recipe also does not use pine nuts or garlic. Maybe you can also try adding in different things you like?
If you happen to have any leftover sauce, it goes well on toast or in a sandwich, or even baked right into some bread. It would also be good on grilled octopus and potatoes. Once you try making fresh pesto at home, you will have trouble going back to store-bought pesto.


・ It is easier to make if you have a food processor.
・ You can substitute the broccoli for spinach, which is also good (whichever you choose, use it fresh, not cooked).
・ Adjust the amount of basil to your liking.
・ If there is too much broccoli and it makes it hard to mix, add in a little bit of extra olive oil.
・ If you like, add in some toasted pine nuts and garlic.



(レシピ)Original recipe here (credit: Half Baked Harvest)

《材料 ー 大人4人分》
・ブロッコリー 1株
・フレッシュバジル 1/2カップ(好みで調整可)
・粉末パルメザンチーズ 1/2カップ
・オリーブ油 1/4カップ
・塩 ひとつまみ
・レッドチリペッパーフレーク 好みで
・好みのパスタ 約350g
・有塩バター 大1
・玉ねぎ or エシャロット 小さめ1個スライス
・レモン汁 1個分

1. フードプロセッサーかブレンダーに、ブロッコリー、バジル、粉末チーズ、オリーブ油、塩、 レッドチリペッパーフレーク(好みで)を入れ、スムーズになるまで混ぜる。
2. パスタがアルデンテになるまで、表示通りにゆで、ゆで水を1/2カップ強とっておく。
3. フライパンに有塩バターをいれて溶かし、スライスした玉ねぎ、好みでレモンの皮を2~3分ほど香りがでるまでいためる。
4. そこにゆでたパスタ、ブロッコリーペスト、レモン汁をいれて混ぜ合わせて完成。(塩気が足りないようであれば、調整必要)

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