Lemony Farro and Lentil Salad
Overall | ★★★★☆ |
Difficulty | ★☆☆☆☆ |
Speed | ★★☆☆☆ |
Cost | ★★☆☆☆ |
Can be made in big batches | ★★★☆☆ |
The picture is too brown, so it may not look appetizing, but this salad was highly recommended by fans of the grains. I think it is best served in the summer. If you want a vibrant-looking salad, you can garnish it with some parsley to your liking. However, since you are just cooking farro and lentils for this recipe, it is a great choice when you are busy (by the way, the original recipe uses lentils and barley).
Farro is your main source of protein, and it is also a good source of fiber. Compared to regular flour, it has low glycogen, making it easier for your body to digest. Meanwhile, lentils are rich in Vitamin B, great for recovering energy and good for your skin, and they have plenty of iron. So, overall this is a pretty healthy salad, isn’t it?
Thankfully, my daughter gobbles this dish down. Give this a try if you get tired of leafy salads.
・ Boil the farro to soften it to make it easier for kids to eat.
・ Make it earlier in the day before eating and put it in the fridge. It tastes better served chilled.
・ Adjust the cumin powder to taste (our house uses 1/2 a tablespoon)
・ You can also make it with 1/4 cup of farro and 1/2 cup of lentils.
・ If you want to add some greens, you can add some finely chopped cucumbers and parsley.
(レシピ)Original recipe here (credit: tomokowellness’s Instagram)
《Ingredients – 4~6 Servings 》
・1/2cup lentil
・1/2cup farro
・15~20 cherry tomatoes
・4 Tbsp olive oil
・4 Tbsp lemon juice
・1/2 tsp~ cumin powder
1. Put water and salt in a pot and bring to a boil over medium heat. Add the farro and cook for 20 minutes.
2. After 20 minutes have passed, add the lentils and boil for another 20 minutes until soft. (In our house we boil the farro for 40 minutes until it gets soft to our liking, then add the lentils and boil for another 20 minutes)
3. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half.
4. In a large bowl, add the olive oil, lemon juice, and cumin powder and mix well.
5. Once the lentils are boiled, drain them and add them and the cherry tomatoes to the mixing bowl.
6. If you like, you can put it in the fridge to chill.
《材料 ー 大人4~6人分》
・レンズ豆 1/2カップ
・ファッロ 1/2~1/4カップ
・プチトマト 好みの量(我が家はおそらく15~20個)
・オリーブ油 大4
・レモン汁 大4
・クミンパウダー 小1/2~好みの量
1. お鍋に水、塩を入れ、中火にかけて沸騰したら、ファッロを作り方に沿って、20分煮る。
2. 20分経ったら、レンズ豆をいれて、柔らかくなるまで、あと20分程度煮る。(我が家はトータル40分ほど煮たときのファッロの柔らかさが好きなので、20分後にレンズ豆を入れて一緒に煮る。)
3. プチトマトを半分に切る。
4. 大き目のボウルに、オリーブ油、レモン汁、クミンパウダーをいれてよく混ぜる。
5. 豆がゆであがったら、水気を切って、さきほどのボウルにプチトマトと一緒にいれてよく合える。
6. 好みで冷蔵庫で冷やして完成。
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