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Chili Style Garlic Shrimp and Tofu

Can be made in big batches★★☆☆☆

One of our house staples is shrimp in chili sauce. My daughter cannot eat spicy things yet, so I don’t add in any chili peppers, but I do sprinkle some chili flakes onto just mu husband to give it a bit of a kick. Without the spice it’s more of a shrimp ketchup rather than shrimp chili, but it is popular with kids. You can serve it with just shrimp, but I usually include a tofu cutlet to bulk it up a bit. If you are not a fan of chives, you can use green onions instead.
When I think of shrimp chili, I think of one time when I drove to my husband’s house (before we were married) in the middle of a typhoon. The usual road was closed, and I ended up winding my way through a mountain road that was not well mapped, following a local in their small pickup truck. The truck must have thought there was a strange car following it, so it sped up. I thought, if I lost the car I would get lost in the mountains, so I sped up to keep them in sight, flying down the tiny mountain road. I finally made it to my future husband’s house, and he had ready-made Shrimp Chili from a box. From a box? I couldn’t feel anything but shock.
Now, it almost always rains heavily on the day or day after we eat shrimp chili.


・ If you don’t like the smell of shrimp, you can eliminate it with potato starch, salt, and water (the method is in the recipe).
・ If you have a lot of shrimp, you can exclude the tofu cutlet.
・ In America: If you are concerned about the oil in the tofu cutlet, you can put it in some hot water beforehand to remove the oil. I’ve not made it with tofu cutlet in Japan so I am not sure, but I would suggest using a firm tofu cutlet.
・ If you want a thicker sauce, add some potato starch dissolved in water.
・ If you want it spicy, add some chili flakes on top.



《Ingredients – 4~6 Servings 》
・1lb shrimp
・1 tofu cutlet
・3 Tbsp ketchup
・1 Tbsp Sake or white wine
・2 tsp sugar
・1 tsp soy sauce
・4 Tbsp water

1. Peel the shrimp, and if you want to neutralize the smell, put 2 tablespoons of potato starch, 1/2 a teaspoon of salt, and 2 tablespoons of water in a bowl, then put all the shrimp in and mix thoroughly, then rinse the shrimp under running water and allow to dry on paper towels.
2. Cut the tofu cutlet into bite-sized pieces.
3. Preheat the frypan to medium heat, then add in a tablespoon of sesame oil.
4. When the shrimp has dried, put it in the pan then cook through, before adding the tofu cutlet pieces and simmer together.
5. Mix the ketchup, sake, sugar, soy sauce, and water, then add to the pan and continue to simmer.
6. Add in some minced chives if you like, and you are finished.

《材料  ー 大人4~5人分》
・えび 約450g
・厚揚げ(カットレット) 1個
・ねぎ 適量
・ケチャップ 大3
・酒 大1
・砂糖 小2
・薄口しょうゆ 小1
・水 大4

1. えびの殻をむき、臭みが気になるようであれば、ボウルに片栗粉大2、塩小1/2、水大2を加えてえびをいれ、全体になじませてから流水できれいに流し、キッチンペーパーでえびの水気をとる。
2. 厚揚げを一口大に切る。
3. フライパンを中火にかけ、ゴマ油を大1ほどいれてあたためる。
4. 水気をきったえびを加え、火が通りきる前に厚揚げを入れて一緒に炒める。
5. ケチャップ、酒、砂糖、しょうゆ、水を混ぜ合わせておき、えびに火が通ったら回しかけて炒める。
6. 好みで小口切りにしたねぎを加えて完成。

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