

Here is the review of Jade War by Fonda Lee. This book is nominated for the World Fantasy Award for Best Novel, winner and it is the sequel to Jade City.
Jade War takes place 16 months after the end of Jade City. I was so upset from the 1st chapter because it began from a grave robbing. I totally forgot it happened in the book though, I was furious what kind of person can do such a barbaric thing. It meant I was very into the book and I could expect Jade War to be more dramatic than Jade City.
The Kaul (No Peak) and Ayt (the Mountain) families had secured Kekon island. Hilo is the top of No Peak from Kaul, which is called Pillar and has learned a lot of things after being the top of the No Peak. It was a short time but he became a worthy leader.
Shae, who is the only woman in the Kaul family, used to want nothing to do with her family’s clan and jade in the beginning of the first book, her role and thoughts changed a lot in Jade War. She starts to think what custom and tradition have to change to protect the family and Kekon through her boyfriend, Maro. There is a despair point as the same as women, I was struck by her conviction against her clan, family and role.
The story world is expanding in this book with a focus on multiple locations that were outside of the main city of Janloon, Kekon. It is a fantasy book though, there are a lot of politics behind it. Sometimes, it is difficult to understand why Hilo isn’t patient even though he is a Pillar of the clan. I realized, however, family is special, power and everything for him, so he will try to devote everything to protect it. Probably, we are losing the sense to seek the individual happiness in this world, so I am grateful for telling me this from the book. I like Jade War more than Jade City because it was theatrical.  

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Jade War by Fonda Leeの感想を書きます。Jade Warは、Jade Cityの二作目で、世界幻想文学大賞に選ばれています。
一巻の終わりから16か月後たったところから、Jade Warが始まり、第一章から息をのむシーンから始まります。お墓荒らしなんて不謹慎な!と、私はすごく腹立たしくなりましたが、これはフィクションだということに気づきます。それでも、描写が鮮明で、本の世界に入り込んだ私は、信じられない!と本気で憤ったほどです。幕開けがこれですから、二巻は、たくさんの動きがある本であることは間違いありません。
ケコン島は、カウル家(No Peak)とアイト家(the Mountain)の二大マフィアが君臨しています。カウル家(No Peak)の頂点である、ヒロは、一巻からは創造できないほど、族長として成長していきます。
