Easy Tomato Beef Stew
Overall | ★★★★☆ |
Difficulty | ★☆☆☆☆ |
Speed | ★★★★☆ |
Cost | ★★★☆☆ |
Can be made in big batches | ★★★★☆ |
It is difficult to find thinly sliced beef like Shabu Shabu cut in America and is common to have lean beef. I have experienced that beef tends to be harder when I cook. This recipe will save you if you have a similar experience. It is simple and easy to cook and eat during summer because of tomatoes. You can also enjoy this meal as soup. If you pack some of them in your lunch box, please omit the soup so it doesn’t rot. Or you can adjust the amount of water from 2 cups to around 1.5 cups and you can simmer until soup is almost gone.
・ If you can find shabu-shabu style beef (very thin cut), please try to cut beef thinner as much as possible by knife.
・ It is important to skim off scum and fat from soup while cooking
・ Remove tomato seeds.
・ 肉を包丁で薄切りにする。
・ あくはこまめにとる。
・ トマトの種は煮込む前にとっておく。
(Original recipe)here (credit: Nakai Erika):
(オリジナルレシピ) 中井エリカ 野菜がおいしすぎる作りおき
《Ingredients – 4~6 Servings》
・ 2lb beef top round london
・ 4 Tbsp~ oyster sauce
・ 1.5~2 cup water
1. Slice the room temperature beef thin against the grain by a knife. Or you can use a food processor to make ground beef.
2. Put beef in a pot and pour around 2 cups of water until boiling. Please skim off scum frequently.
3. Add oyster sauce and simmer with medium heat for around 15 mins.
4. Cut tomatoes dice. If you can remove seeds, it would be great.
4. When beef turns to almost brown, add diced tomatoes and simmer with low heat for around 5~10 mins.
5. You can keep simmering until the soup is gone or just serve it with soup.
《材料 ー 大人4~6人分》
・ 牛肉ブロック 約900g
・ トマト 3~4個
・ オイスターソース 大4~
1. 室温にもどした牛肉を包丁で繊維をたつように薄切りにする。(ミンチにしても大丈夫)
2. 鍋に牛肉をいれ、2カップの水を入れ、沸騰させる。出てきたあくは、こまめに取り除き、オイスターソースを加え、中火で約15分ほど煮る。
3. トマトを一口サイズにきり、牛肉の色が変わったらトマトをいれて煮込む。(約5~10分)
4. 好みで汁気がなくなるまで煮る、もしくはスープも一緒によそって食べる。
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