The Life We Bury
Here is the review of The Life We Bury by Allen Eskens. It might be the best book I have read in 2024.
College student Joe Talbert has a writing assignment for an English class in which he has to interview someone and write that person’s biography. He grew up with no father, an equally fatherless autistic brother, and an alcoholic bipolar mother, so he decided to find a willing subject nearby a nursing home. There he meets Carl Iverson, and soon nothing in Joe’s life is ever the same. Carl is a dying Vietnam veteran who was awarded Purple Heart and Silver Star and a convicted murderer. With only a few months to live, he has been medically paroled to a nursing home, after spending thirty years in prison for the crimes of rape and murder. It’s difficult for Joe to imagine Carl was the first degree murderer after he spends time with Carl. Is it true Carl murdered a girl? Joe unravels the tapestry of Carl’s conviction and the stakes grow higher.
What a thrilling book! I couldn’t stop reading it. The Life We Bury is a beautifully crafted exploration of forgiveness, redemption. Here are quotes which touch my heart. “We are surrounded every day by the wonders of life, wonders beyond comprehension that we simply take for granted. I decided that day that I would live my life – not simply exist. If I died and discovered heaven on the other side, well, that’d be just fine and dandy. But if I didn’t live my life as if I was already in heaven, and I died and found nothingness, well…I would have wasted my life. I would have wasted my one chance in all of history to be alive.’
Carl tells Joe when he had an interview and I felt like it’s real as if Carl was in front of me. The author is good at attracting readers. If you like mystery and thriller fiction novels, this is the one to read.
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The Life We Bury by Allen Eskensの感想を書きます。2024年に読んだ本の中で、私にとっては一番の本だったと思います。
大学生のジョー・タルバートは、英語の授業で、誰かにインタビューして、その人の簡単な伝記を書くこと課題がが与えられます。ジョーには父親はおらず、自閉症の弟、そしてアルコール依存症の双極性障害の母親だけが家族なので、ジョーは被験者を探すために近くの老人ホームに向かいます。そこでジョーは、彼の人生を大きく左右することになるカール・アイバーソンに出会います。カールは瀕死のベトナム退役軍人であり、有罪判決を受けた殺人者です。余命数カ月の彼は、強姦と殺人の罪で30年間刑務所で過ごした後、医学的に仮釈放され、老人ホームに移されていました。カールは、Purple HeartとSilver Starの授与を受けた退役軍人で、ジョーにはカールが第一級殺人犯とは想像もつきません。カールは本当に殺人犯なのか、30年前の裁判の記録や証拠を読み解きながら、ジョーは真相へ近づいてきます。