
Midnight at the Christmas Bookshop

This is the sequel of The Christmas Bookshop, which was a New York Times bestseller. I just wonder what life Carmen has and also wanted to stay and savor the aftermath of the beauty of Edinburgh, so I decided to read this book.
Carmen is able to work at Mr. McCredie’s bookshop and is dated with Oke. But her happy life didn’t last contrary to her wish.
I didn’t like Carmen’s personality, but I agree with her at one point. She told a customer that ‘Sometimes people need to get a feel for a thing before they know they want it. Sometimes people need to know if something feels and smells and looks right.’ I prefer to read a paper book rather than a digital book because I want to feel the texture of paper and smell of ink. Turning the pages makes me relax.
To be honest, I didn’t enjoy the story of this book and The Christmas Bookshop as well, but I did enjoy reading the descriptions about beautiful Edinburgh. I’ve never been there, but I could imagine the details of how amazing and solemn it is, especially around the Christmas season.  

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Midnight at the Christmas Bookshop by Jenny Colgan の感想を書きます。
この本は、ニューヨークタイムズのベストセラーに選ばれたThe Christmas Bookshopの続編です。主人公のカルメンの生活がその後どうなったのか知りたかったのと、もう少しエディンバラの、続編を読むことにしました。
