To Go,  Travel

Zaytinya by José Andrés


This restaurant, run by Chef Jose Andres, founder of the World Central Kitchen (WCK) serves Mediterranean cuisine that incorporates recipes from Turkey, Greece, and Lebanon. My husband is not a big fan of Mediterranean food, so we do not generally go to these kinds of restaurants. However, this place was a frequent lunch spot for the Obamas, so it piqued my husband’s interest and we decided to give it a shot.
 This restaurant serves tapas-style dishes, with one person ordering around 3-4 dishes. This means that the whole menu itself is quite long, and if you are having trouble deciding I recommend going with the Chef’s Tasting Menu ($65 per person). This covers many of the restaurant’s popular dishes from appetizers through desserts. This is what we ended up going with, and it was, in a word, satisfying.
 Regardless of what you order, everyone gets an endless basket of naan at their table. As soon as you finish the bread in the basket, another will be brought along. For the course menu, we were served a variety of spreads to go along with the naan. There were three types: labneh, hummus, and a tomato and feta cheese spread. All of them were surprisingly tasty, but in particular the hummus was far better than any hummus I had tried before. I think in particular, it did not have much of an aftertaste, which was good. Next we were brought two types of salad, then the main vegetable dishes (cauliflower, Brussels sprouts) and meat (chicken, lamb) fish (shrimp, salmon), and finally dessert.
 From among all of these, I wanted to highlight just how good the vegetables were. First up is the beet salad. The beets were not as earthy as they usually are, and were very tender. The fried cauliflower was flavored with lemon among other things, and if you like cauliflower it is a dish you could probably eat non-stop. Next, the most surprising dish was the Crispy Brussels Afelia. My husband does not generally like Brussels sprouts, but even he wolfed them down. As the name on the menu implies, they are crispy, and the flavor is different from regular Brussels sprouts, which may have been what made it a hit for him. After one bite, you’ll be thinking that this light and tasty dish is all you will need for the rest of the meal. Next up is the chicken. The chicken itself was red similar to a tandoori chicken, and it was served with a white sauce (probably kefalograviera cheese). I think this is probably Chicken Youvets, but I am not certain. My husband is not a big fan of lamb, but ate this like anything else. Maybe because it was fresh? It did not have an odor, and was easy to stomach. The salmon was par for the course, and the shrimp dish (probably Garides me Anitho) was a bullseye according to my husband. Served chilled with dill and mustard, the little kick goes well with the shrimp. However, if you don’t like mustard then this may not be for you. Lastly, we were brought two types of desserts. My favorite of the two was the Greek yogurt with apricots, I liked it so much I could have eaten a regular-sized one. Thanks to the Greek yogurt it was light, and it paired marvelously with the tart apricots. Not too sweet, not too sour, and not too heavy. This is great even if you don’t love Greek yogurt.
 In summary, this is a fantastic restaurant that got the seal of approval even from my husband, who usually avoids Mediterranean food. The service was also fantastic! I would be grateful if we ever got the chance to visit again. This should definitely be on your list of places to try if you ever visit the D.C. area, just be sure to make reservations in advance!

Zaytinya by José Andrés
Address: 701 9th St NW, Washington, DC 20001

 お店のスタイルはタパス形式で、一人3~4枚頼むのが普通だそうです。といっても、いろんなメニューがあって、目移りしてしまう人には、Chef’s Tasting Menu(一人$65)をおすすめします。前菜からデザートまで、人気メニューが網羅されています。私たちもこちらのコースを頼みましたが、満足の一言です。
特筆したいのは、野菜料理のおいしさです。まずはビーツのサラダです。ビーツの土臭さもなく、柔らかくておいしかったです。フライドカリフラワーは、レモンの味がほのかにして、これもカリフラワー好きにはたまらない一品でした。そして、一番驚いたのが芽キャベツの料理(Crispy Brussels Afelia)でした。主人は芽キャベツが苦手ですが、彼がもくもくと食べたほどおいしかったです。メニューの通り、クリスピー(カリカリ)した食感で、芽キャベツの味がしなかったのが、彼的にはよかったのかもしれません。一口食べると、こればかり食べてしまうほど、食感が軽くておいしかったです。次にチキンです。見た目はタンドリーチキンみたいな赤色で、一緒についてくる白いソース(たぶん、kefalograviera cheese)と一緒に食べると絶品でした。多分、Chicken Youvetsというものかなと思いますが、定かではありません。主人はラム肉も苦手ですが、普通に食べていました。新鮮なんですかね?独特な臭みがなく、食べやすかったです。サーモンはいたって普通、そしてえび料理(多分、Garides me Anitho)が主人のど真ん中だったみたいです。冷菜みたいな感じで、ディルとマスタードがきいており、プリっとしたえびととても合っていました。マスタードが苦手な人は、避けた方がいいかもしれません。最後に、デザートも二種類出てきました。GREEK YOGURT WITH APRICOTSは私好みで、レギュラーサイズも食べたいと思ったほどです。グリークヨーグルトのおかげでさっぱりとしていて、かつ、アプリコットの酸味が絶妙でした。甘すぎず、酸っぱすぎず、重すぎないデザートです。グリークヨーグルトが苦手な主人も完食です。

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