To Go,  Travel

Black Seed Bagels


This is a bagel shop I’ve always wanted to visit. It’s not NY style, but a Montreal-influenced NY-style bagel shop, the first of its kind. People who make bread may understand, but this is the kind of place that uses honey when you boil the bagels. NY bagels can be a bit too chewy, but the bagels at Black Seed Bagels have dough that is crispy on the outside and on the inside as well, making them easy to eat. I think being easy to eat is a big thing for Japanese people. These were smaller than NY bagels are generally, and not as tall. Our family went to the store in Nolita. You can see the menu by scanning a QR code on your phone. Most of the customers ordered ahead online and came to the store to pick it up. If you order in the store, there is a bit of wait until your sandwich is ready, if you don’t like waiting I recommend ordering online
 We ordered a BLT on a toasted multigrain everything bagel, a cheese pizza bagel on plain, and a Bacon Egg and Cheese (BEC) on a toasted everything bagel. The pizza bagel surprisingly came out piping hot, and the outside had a nice crunch to it, making it good for kids. It was also surprising how well it kept its heat. I ordered the classic BLT. It had a sauce with a bit of a kick to it, and had crunchy bacon and fresh lettuce, it was very delicious. Unfortunately, it was a bit hard to tell the flavor of the sandwich made using a bagel, but the mouthfeel from the bagel was very nice. It had a bit of a crunch and was easy to eat. It was neither too hard nor too soft. It was the perfect combination of crispy and chewy.
 When we went there in August of 2021, and instead of an indoor dining space they had some simple tables and chairs outside separated with partitions. However if you want to eat here I recommend getting a seat early. There are no napkins to take at your leisure, so be sure to get some extra from the staff if you need when you pick up your sandwich. You can also order bagels for delivery online, however you cannot order multigrain, everything, rye, or salt bagels. Definitely go there in person to try it out.
 Also, they thankfully have their recipe for bagels online here. Check it out if you make your own bread.

Black Seed Bagels
Address: 170 Elizabeth St, New York, NY 10012 and more locations.

 我が家はBLT/マルチグレイン エブリシング、チーズピザ/ プレーン、BEC/ エブリシングをトーストで頼みました。チーズピザは驚くほどアツアツがでてきましたが、ベーグルのクラストがいい具合にカリカリになっていて、子供受けがいいと思います。驚くほど温かさをキープしてくれます。私は定番のBLT。ピリッとしたドレッシングにカリカリに焼かれたベーコン、新鮮なレタスが入っていて、おいしかったです。サンドイッチにするとベーグル自体の味がわからないのが残念ですが、ベーグルの食感はとても好みでした。パリっとしていて食べやすい。硬くもなければ柔らかくもないといった感じです。ベストなパリッ感とモチッと感です。
2021年8月時点では店内にイートインスペースはなく、外にパーテーションで仕切られた簡単なテーブルと椅子が用意されています。ここで食べたい方は、場所を確保することをお勧めします。ナプキンは自由に取れません。ナプキンを多めにほしい人は、サンドイッチができた際に店員さんに頼むと袋の中に入れてくれます。オンラインで、ベーグルのみを購入して届けてもらうこともできますが、マルチグレイン エブリシングやライ、ソルトなどは購入できません。店頭でぜひ食べてみてください。

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