To Go,  Travel

Flatbread Company


We came to this restaurant because of our pizza-loving daughter. Located in downtown Portland, it is very conveniently placed. The restaurant does not have a parking lot, so I recommend using one of the public parking garages nearby.
The inside of the restaurant is full of activity, and there is an open kitchen where you can watch all the action. The interior has pizza boxes and bags of flour stacked up in places, but this seems to be part of the scenery and blends well into the room.
 We ordered the Veggie pizza and the Casco Bay Community Flatbread, and for dessert we had Jen G’s Homemade Crisp, a whoopie pie, and a scoop of ice cream. The Veggie pizza was the daily special and used summer veggies, which as the name suggests topped the pizza aplenty. The dough was thick and yet crispy, and popular all around the table. I wonder why the cooking in the wood fired oven makes it so delicious? The place was full of customers, so it took a little while to get our pizza, but you could watch everyone working in the kitchen while waiting, so even though we waited a bit it never got boring. I was also glad that they used organic ingredients.
 We debated whether to have dessert at the restaurant, or go to a cake shop or ice cream store, but we ended up staying for dessert. It seems the Maine-born whoopie pie is popular, because you see them everywhere. A whoopie pie is buttercream or marshmallow cream sandwiched between two soft chocolate cookies. It looks like a giant oreo with heaps of cream in the middle. I am not a big fan of chocolate, but try a local whoopie pie if you are. I ordered Jen G’s Homemade Crisp, which is an apple dessert, and it is baked in the same wood ovens as the pizza, making it fragrant and tasty. However, it was quite large, so it might make a good dessert to split with another person. The ice cream was just regular ice cream, so nothing to really comment on there. 
 It is a quite popular restaurant, so either make reservations in advance, show up early, around 5-5:30 if you don’t want to wait for a table. Even though I am not really interested in pizza, I really enjoyed this place.

Flatbread Company
Address: 72 Commercial St #5, Portland, ME 04101

 我が家は、おすすめの夏野菜を使ったVeggieとCasco Bay Community Flatbread、デザートにJen G’s Homemade Crisp、Whoopie Pie、Scoop of Ice Creamを頼みました。夏野菜を使ったVeggieという本日のおすすめピザは、その名の通り、野菜がふんだんに使われていておいしかったです。そしてピザ生地が薄くて、なおかつカリっとしていて、我が家好みでした。薪オーブンで一気に焼き上げると、なんでこんなにおいしいのでしょうか。とにかくお客さんが多いので、ピザが出てくるまで時間が少しかかりますが、席によってはキッチンで作業している姿をずっと見ることができるので、待ち時間が長くても退屈しのぎになるかと思います。オーガニックなものを使用されている点も、安心できる点です。
 そしてデザートをここで食べるか、ケーキ屋さんやアイスクリーム屋さんに行くか迷いましたが、結局こちらで食べました。メイン州では Whoopie Pieがとても人気なようで、どこでも見かけます。チョコレート味のクッキーに、バタークリームやマシュマロクリームを挟んで食べるのをWhoopie Pieというようです。オレオがもっと大きくて、クリームがもっとどっさり入った感じです。チョコレート好きな人にはご当地Whoopie Pieを食べてもらいたいです。(私は苦手です)
 私が頼んだJen G’s Homemade Crispはりんごのデザートで、ピザと同じ薪オーブンで焼いてくれたみたいで、香ばしくておいしかったです。でもボリュームがあるので、二人で一つでも問題ないと思います。アイスクリームは普通のアイスクリームなので、ホームメイドのものが食べたいといった好みがある場合は、こちらで食べなくてもいいかと思います。

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